Ukraine: the war is also environmental and food-related

  Articoli (Articles)
  Alessia Bernardi
  10 April 2024
  4 minutes, 54 seconds

Translated by Alessandra Fumagalli 

Since Russia began the war against Ukraine, there is an esteem of having released in the atmosphere around 150 million tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. This high quantity is, according to the "Climate damage caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine" report, the yearly carbon dioxide emissions in a strongly developed country like Belgium. Besides the dramatic human consequences, the Russian-Ukrainian war is endangering our ecosystem and its long-term implications are difficult to be evaluated.

The emissions regard different elements, which have been analyzed according to different factors. The first cause of pollution, with a 25% of the total amount, is due to the military operations, which cause an high use of fuel. The military operations during the conflicts indeed can cause significative environmental damages. The greenhouse gasses emissions, due to the use of vehicles and military machineries contribute to the climate change. Fires caused by explosions release smoke and toxic substances in the air, compromising its quality and, as a consequence, human health’s quality. The discharge of fuels and other chemical substances in the hydro resources damages water ecosystems and threatens hydro security. The direct destruction of natural habitat and the depot of not-exploded munitions compromise biodiversity and create persistent risks for the environment and local people. Another high tax of environment, the 36%, is due to the postwar reconstruction of the civil buildings, which have been damages and destroyed. Moreover, there is the closure of the Siberian air space by Russia to several actors and the closure of Ukrainian air space to the commercialization, and they have both caused deviations and longer flight times, which correspond to 18 million carbon dioxide emission (12%).

On the other hand, the war between Ukraine and Russia causes lots of environmental risks for water resources and the agriculture, which both play a fundamental role for the involved countries. Military operations can cause spills of fuels, lubricating oils, chemicals and munitions into water resources such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs. This pollution threatens water quality, intended for human and agricultural consumption, damages water ecosystems and, as it was already said, puts at risk long-term water security. Moreover, as it has already happened, water infrastructures, such as dams, canals and water treatment plants, can be directly hit by fightings or damages due to neglect and lack of maintenance during the conflict. This can lead to interruption in the water supply for the local people and agricultural irrigation, with devastating consequences on food production and life conditions. Another critical aspect is the rivalry for water resources, especially for such region lusco as Crimea, which plays a strategical role thanks to its access to the Black Sea. The control of the rivers that flow through the region, as the Dnepr River, is another important factor, because both countries try to allow the access to the essential water resources for the agriculture and local people. Lands are vulnerable during war, due to the direct destruction caused by fightings or pollution, caused by the use munitions and chemical substances. This damage can reduce the agricultural production of the region, increasing the pressure on food security and contributing to humanitarian crisis. Further harm comes from the occurrence of natural resource escapes, such as water and fertile soil, by armed groups or non-state actors, increasing local and international tensions and creating long-term instability in natural resource management. Moreover, the few remaining cultivated lands are now watered by contaminated water by remnants of war, further endangering food security and the environment.

A further pollution caused by the conflict is linked with the destruction of the landscape, bombings, forest fires and deforestation of around 30% of the Ukrainian protected areas. Zaporizhzhia’s nuclear plant, occupied by Russia, and the destruction of Kakhovka’s dam can be an ecological catastrophe. Water and air in Ukraine are in a very bad state, due to an high dissemination of mines and unexploded ordnance. Particularly, among the most dangerous elements in the munitions, there are some heavy metals such as Tnt, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium that are carcinogenic.

This situation has international, and of course Italian, repercussions. Particularly, the ruination of agriculture in Ukraine followed by Russian invasion is brining serious imbalances. First of all, there was a raise in prizes, since Ukraine is one of the main global agricultural producers, especially of wheat and corn and agricultural destruction has drastically reduced the availability of these products on the international markets, causing an increase in prices at global level. This reduction in agricultural production has caused significant fluctuations in the prices of wheat, corn and other agricultural products, affecting investors' decisions and causing economic instability worldwide. Different international agricultural companies preferred reducing or removing their investments due to the political instability and economic uncertainties, compromising the development and modernization of the Ukrainian agricultural sector. Italy was one of the first country to be affected economically in its national market: after significant price hikes on primary goods, such as bread, pasta and so on. Moreover, the rise in inflation was significant, following the suspension of energy commodity supplies from Russia to Europe.

In conclusion, war between Russia and Ukraine has severe environmental risks for water resources and agriculture, with devastating impacts on the local people, economy and local and global ecosystem. A commitment to the protection and sustainable management of environmental resources during and after conflict is essential to mitigate negative impacts and promote long-term stability and recovery.

Mondo Internazionale APS - Riproduzione Riservata ® 2024

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Alessia Bernardi


Ambiente e Sviluppo


guerra ambiente e sviluppo