Regulation of Mondo Internazionale Academy
Division Mondo Internazionale Academy
Article 1
Mondo Internazionale Academy is established as a division of the Mondo Internazionale Association, as established by art. 37 of its Single Regulations. The division is subject to the direction of the Presidency, the Steering Committee and the General Management.
Article 2
Mondo Internazionale Academy represents the division of the Mondo Internazionale Association for the activities carried out in the field of training, education, and information for the members of the Association itself and for third parties.
The Academy Division of Mondo Internazionale has as its main mission to support university students in the transition from the academic world to the working world, providing the necessary tools to assist their professionalization and competitiveness.
Article 3
Members of Mondo Internazionale Academy are all those who are regularly enrolled in the Mondo Internazionale Association and whose application for membership in the division is successful.
Article 4
An application for membership in the Mondo Internazionale Academy division may be submitted if it meets the following requirements:
a. the candidate must be between 18 and 30 years of age and must be regularly enrolled in high school, university or, alternatively, must have completed a higher education course from no more than 36 months.
b. The candidate must be an ordinary member of the Mondo Internazionale Association at the time the application is submitted. The application for membership in Mondo Internazionale Academy is reviewed and approved or rejected by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy. If the latter is unable to deliberate, he or she is temporarily replaced by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association. The criteria for membership in the Mondo Internazionale Academy division reflect the same criteria for membership in the Mondo Internazionale Association as set forth in the Mondo Internazionale Academy Single Regulation.
c. If the application for membership is rejected, the interested party may appeal to the President of the Mondo Internazionale Association within 7 days from the rejection of the application. If the appeal is accepted, the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Association must justify the rejection of the application by means of useful documentation.
Article 5
The expulsion of members from the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy is regulated by art. 5 of the Statute of the Mondo Internazionale Association. The exclusion of the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy is decided by the Board of Directors on the proposal of the Academy Board of Directors, which expresses itself in favour or against by qualified majority of the members present at the vote. In cases of absolute urgency, the President of the Mondo Internazionale Association may implement the appropriate initiatives, described in accordance with chapter 1 art. 3 of the Single Regulations of the Association itself.
Article 6
The division of Mondo Internazionale Academy consists of the following organs:
a. Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy;
b. Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
c. Assembly of members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
d. General Assembly of the Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Should any episodes occur that require the intervention of a judicial body, the Presidency of the Mondo Internazionale Association is to be considered responsible for intervening.
Article 7
1. The Mondo Internazionale Academy Board of Directors consists of a Director, a Secretary, and a Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy division. The Board of Directors is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association, which elects its members by qualified majority vote of its members with the consent of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Assembly. The Board of Directors is renewed every 2 years.
2. The Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy performs the following tasks:
a. Resolves on the decisions to be taken in relation to the management and organization of the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy following the deliberations of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale regarding the strategies and objectives;
b. Resolves on the entry of members into the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy;
c. Provides guidelines for the organization and conduct of activities to the Presidents of the Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
d. It organizes periodic meetings with the individual Boards of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University and with the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association;
e. It coordinates and supervises the activities of the Mondo Internazionale Academy throughout the national territory, so that they do not in any way conflict with national regulations, the Statute and the Single Regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association;
f. It plans, deliberates and supervises the balance sheet activities of the division, in close contact with the Treasury of the Associazione Mondo Internazionale;
g. The Board of Directors decides on the dissolution of Mondo Internazionale Academy together with the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Association:
a. To dissolve the division, a first unanimous vote of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Board of Directors is required; if the vote is successful, the Mondo Internazionale Academy Board of Directors must submit the motion for dissolution to the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association Board of Directors;
b. The Management Committee must approve the motion unanimously by those present at the vote, who must represent at least 2/3 of the total members of the Committee;
c. If the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association is also in favor of the dissolution, the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy must proceed to communicate the dissolution of the division via official press release, which is published on the website of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association;
d. In case of dissolution of Mondo Internazionale Academy, all student and university associations affiliated to Mondo Internazionale Academy are automatically dissolved. The President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University must initiate the dissolution procedure in accordance with the internal rules that the body and/or institution, where the association is based, provides for;
e. The President, together with the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, has the task of verifying that the eventual residual patrimony of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is relocated following the internal dispositions of the local university institute. If the residual patrimony can be freely liquidated, it must be devolved in compliance with art. 15 of the Statute of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
Article 8
1. The Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University consists of a President, a Counselor and a Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. The members and offices of the Board of Directors are elected by the Assembly of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University members every 2 years.
2. The Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy - University has the task of:
a. Prepare and organize the internal activities of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
b. Supervise the work of members who collaborate in activities and projects;
c. Periodically inform the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy on the performance of the planned activities;
d. To convene periodically the Assembly of the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
e. Prepare and supervise the budget of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University in close contact with the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy and the Treasury of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
Article 9
1. Mondo Internazionale Academy organizes and convenes its Assembly of members, according to the criteria and modalities expressed in these regulations. The Assembly of members is composed of all members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. The Ordinary Assembly of members shall meet periodically, at least once every three months, for:
a. To elect the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University at the end of the two years of the mandate, in the first useful assembly;
b. Evaluate the activities carried out within Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
c. Evaluate the work of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University and the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy;
d. To deliberate on the dissolution of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, through a favourable vote of at least ¾ of the members enrolled in it;
e. Propose the launch of new projects and/or activities within Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
2. The Assembly of members may also be convened through the Extraordinary Assembly formula if it is necessary to resolve on matters of an urgent nature.
3. The convocations of the Assembly must be made by written notice or e-mail, by means of proof of receipt to be delivered at least thirty days before the date of the meeting, containing the agenda, the day, place, date and time of the first convocation. The second convocation, if any, may not take place on the same day as the first convocation. In the absence of a formal convocation or failure to comply with the terms of notice, the meetings attended in person, or by proxy, all members as well as the majority of the individual bodies of the association will be equally valid.
The Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, is validly constituted in first call when at least half plus one of the members are present or represented. In second call, the Assembly is validly constituted whatever the number of members present or represented.
4. The second convocation of the Assembly of members may be held one hour after the first. The Agenda of the Assembly of members is published by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University at least 10 days before the Assembly of Members. Therefore, any requests for the inclusion of other items by the Members, contemplating resolutions of the Assembly, must be received by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University at least 20 days in advance, in order to prepare the necessary documentation for discussion. Exceptionally, the Associates may present to the President of the Assembly, at the opening of the same, written memoirs on topics to be included among the "various and possible": the President has the faculty to decide on the admissibility of the topics or on their referral to other bodies of the Association.
Article 10
1. The General Assembly of the Mondo Internazionale Academy is convened twice a year, 6 months apart, at the opening and closing of the academic year.
2. The convocation of the General Assembly must be sent by the Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy at least 3 months before the date of the General Assembly.
3. All members of the Mondo Internazionale Academy participate in the General Assembly. The General Assembly constitutes the meeting event between the different realities of Mondo Internazionale Academy, represented by the delegations of Mondo Internazionale Academy - Universities taking part in the event.
4. The aim of the General Assembly is to update all the members of the Mondo Internazionale Academy on the work of the division, to make known the different university realities among them and to present future projects for the organization of the division and its activities.
5. The General Assembly may be organised in a public or private place. The organization of the event is in charge of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy, which may request the support of the Associazione Mondo Internazionale for organizational, logistical and economic needs. The organization of the event must be carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Italian law on security.
6. The Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, as President of the General Assembly, must be compulsorily present; if he is unable to attend, he may delegate his function to the Councilor.
7. The Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy must be compulsorily present as he is in charge of drawing up the minutes of the General Assembly; if he is unable to attend, he may delegate his function to a member of Mondo Internazionale Academy. Such member is proposed by the General Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy and the replacement must be approved by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
8. The delegation of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University can be composed of a maximum of 5 people. The presence of at least one member of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is required. Each delegation of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University must inform the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy if they are unable to attend with at least 1 month's notice.
9. The Director may authorize the presence of persons not enrolled in the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Mondo Internazionale Academy division if he has been informed in advance of their presence with sufficient notice to assess their suitability to attend the General Assembly.
On February 1st, every two years starting from February 2020, the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Association meets to renew the offices of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy. At this meeting, the Board of Directors elects the Director, Counselor and Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Article 11
1. The Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy is appointed on the proposal of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association and is elected by qualified majority vote of the Steering Committee of the same. The term of office lasts 2 years and is tacitly renewable. The Director may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association in writing at least 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association deems it necessary, by qualified majority, the Director may revoke the office of Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after the communication.
2. The Director must represent and maintain the national and Internazionale relations of Mondo Internazionale Academy with public and private bodies, institutions, Internazionale organizations, university institutes, supporters of the division and volunteers.
3. The Director must have leadership skills, i.e. the ability to identify the most important problems and to guide the Board of Directors with objectivity and balance, favouring the contribution of the Director, as well as to assist the Board of Directors in decisions of an urgent nature.
4. The Director must:
a. Ensure the proper functioning of the Board of Directors and represent its positions within and outside the Division;
b. Ensure compliance with the law and internal rules;
c. Represent but not substitute for the Board of Directors in dictating objectives or placing constraints on staff, except in cases of urgency;
d. Delegate its functions to the Director, if necessary, while continuing to answer for them;
e. Maintain constant contact with the Steering Committee and the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association to coordinate the activities of the division;
f. Coordinate the activities of the components of Mondo Internazionale Academy, identified as Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, in consultation with the Presidents of the same;
g. Take care of the correct use of any form of funding provided to Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, making sure that the funds available are used in the performance of the planned activities and protected from any potentially illegal and/or harmful activity according to the provisions of the law in force and the internal regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association;
h. Coordinate the opening of the Mondo Internazionale Academy components on the national territory;
i. Manage the formulation of collaboration agreements with partners and/or third parties;
j. Verify the proper performance of the duties and responsibilities of the President, Secretary and Counselor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
k. Coordinate and supervise the work of the Project Managers of Mondo Internazionale Academy, verifying the correct execution of their tasks and responsibilities;
l. Propose the dissolution of the division at the meeting of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Board of Directors;
m. Serve as President of the General Assembly.
5. At the end of his or her term of office, the Director shall remain in office for ordinary administration until the Steering Committee elects a successor.
6. A civil liability policy must be taken out for the Director covering the risks inherent in his role as representative of the division, as soon as the financial resources of the Mondo Internazionale Association allow it.
7. The Director, in case of absolute urgency for the respect of the regulations in force, adopts all the necessary measures, replacing the Board of Directors for a limited time. The Director has 30 days to provide a report of what has happened to the Board of Directors and to refer the decisions to the Board of Directors, which must decide by qualified majority on the work of the Director. If the regulations in force have been unequivocally violated by a member of the Board of Directors, the latter must be immediately excluded from any associative activity and from the Board until the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association decides on the measures to be taken by consulting the Assembly of the Members. The Director has the task to present a written report informing each member of the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association of what has happened, within 3 days from the exclusion of the member.
8. The Director may have access, subject to authorization by the President of the Mondo Internazionale Association, or on his behalf of the Vice - President, to all documents; software, computer and non computer programs in admin mode; bank account; safe-deposit boxes; the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and any movable and immovable property of the Association limited to the performance of its functions and duties.
9. All information that the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
10. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy".
11. The Director assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association to perform his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Article 12
1. The Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy is appointed upon proposal of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association and is elected by qualified majority vote of the Board of Directors of the same. The term of office is 2 years and is renewable tacitly. The Secretary may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association in writing 90 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, the Secretary may revoke the office of Secretary, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.
2. The Secretary is responsible for coordinating and managing the general administration of Mondo Internazionale Academy together with the Director.
3. The Secretary shall act with the powers expressly delegated to him by these Rules of Procedure. The Secretary shall:
a. Provide the Board of Directors with scenarios on the future of the division and strategies for its development;
b. Protect the image and credibility of Mondo Internazionale Academy;
c. Refuse donations incompatible with the purposes of the association;
d. Avoid acquisitions or decisions in conflict of interest;
e. Set compensation and benefits for collaborators within the usual limits for the professionalism employed and in compliance with the regulations in force, guarantee the safety of the offices according to the rules established by Italian law, jointly consulting the Director and the Director;
f. Implement the policy resolutions formulated by the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Director and the Board Member, and to answer for the results achieved;
g. Freely choose the most suitable instruments to achieve the objectives set by the Board of Directors;
h. Propose to the Board of Directors an Annual Plan and a Three-Year Plan for the planning of activities, according to the objectives formulated by the Board of Directors;
i. Inform the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association, the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, or in his absence the Advisor, and the Board of Directors in particular on the most relevant events and trends, on the opinions that may influence their decisions, on situations in which the Board of Directors deviates from its previous guidelines and informs the Director, in his absence to the Advisor, the topics that it would be appropriate, in his opinion, to put on the agenda;
l. Maintain relations with the other divisions, with the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy and with all public and private bodies with which it is appropriate to collaborate in order to achieve the objectives set by the Board of Directors, in compliance with the law and confidentiality.
m. Be responsible for the work of the staff and to manage it in compliance with the rules established by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the employment contracts. It shall not prevent any employee from addressing the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy or the Chairperson of the Mondo Internazionale Association to report violations of internal regulations;
n. Establish Commissions with operational tasks in execution of resolutions of the Board of Directors with the consent of the Director, or in his absence of the Director;
o. Ensure that the Director and the Counselor are aware of the basic issues and procedures of his or her work, so that he or she may be temporarily replaced in case of need and must inform the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association periodically, except in urgent cases;
p. Prepare the appointments necessary for the conferment of offices within Mondo Internazionale Academy, with the consent of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, or in his absence of the Director.
5. The Secretary, the Board of Directors also grants the following powers to the Secretary, to be exercised by joint signature with the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, or in his place the Director:
a. Make purchases in the course of the activities of the division, committing the Mondo Internazionale Association for all rights and obligations that may derive from it, within the limits of the programs approved by the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Association and subject to authorization by the General Manager of the same;
b. Define the specific skills of employees and external collaborators;
c. hiring, promoting, suspending, dismissing internal personnel within the division;
d. Pay the periodic salary payments for the employees of the division, as well as the contributions and related compulsory obligations;
e. Carry out all the obligations in the accident prevention field to protect the employees and collaborators of the division, adopting all the necessary precautions and providing them with the necessary training in order to avoid and prevent any possible generic or specific risk to which they may be exposed;
f. Deal with assistance and consulting relationships with professionals that have a continuous or occasional duration and that concern legal, administrative, fiscal, technical, promotion, etc. issues to be proposed for signature to the Director;
g. Take all necessary measures to prevent breaches of the obligation of privacy with the right to appoint data processors responsible for the processing of personal data;
h. Perform any other act within the ordinary administration, according to the programs and within the spending limits approved by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy and the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
6. The Secretary may have access, with the prior permission of the President of the Mondo Internazionale Association, or the Vice President, and the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, to all documents; software, computer and non-admin computer programs; bank accounts; the registered and/or operating headquarters of the Association; and any movable and immovable property of the Association limited to the performance of its functions and duties.
7. All information that the Secretary of Mondo Internazionale deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
8. In the international context in which the division operates, it is identified as the "Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy".
9. The Secretary assumes full responsibility for the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association and division in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of his duties. He shall be liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides for the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association to perform his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Secretary of the Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Article 13
1. The Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy is appointed upon proposal of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association and is elected by qualified majority vote of the Board of Directors of the same. The term of office lasts 2 years and is renewable tacitly. The Director may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Academy Association in writing 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the Board of Directors deems it necessary, by qualified majority, it may revoke the office of Director, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.
2. The Advisor shall support the work of the Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy by providing advice on decisions to be taken by the Board of Directors and implementation of the guidelines provided by the General Manager and the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
3. The Advisor must:
a. Support the Director in the elaboration and implementation of operational guidelines for the division's activities;
b. Support the Secretary in organizing the administration of the division;
c. Supervise the management and performance of the activities organized by the Mondo Internazionale Academy division;
d. Supervise the organization of events and conferences;
e. Participate in national and Internazionale meetings of an operational nature where it is necessary to plan the division's activities and replace the Director if necessary;
f. Support the Director in the opening of the Mondo Internazionale Academy components on the national territory;
g. Supervise the work of the internal work teams at Mondo Internazionale Academy.
5. The Advisor may have access, with the prior permission of the President of the Mondo Internazionale Association, or the Vice President, and the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, to all personnel documents; software, computer programs and non-admin computer programs; the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association; and any movable and immovable property of the Association limited to the performance of its functions and duties.
6. All information that the Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
7. In the international context in which the division operates, it is identified as the "Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy".
8. The Advisor assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of his duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides for the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the General Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Association to carry out his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Article 14
1. The President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is appointed by a qualified majority of those present by the Assembly of Members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University after approval by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale. Any member of the Assembly of Members may run for the office of President. The term of office is 2 years and can be renewed. The President may resign at any time by informing the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy in writing at least 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after the communication. The Board of Directors must then ascertain the convocation of the extraordinary Assembly of the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University on the first date useful to elect the new President.
2. The President of the Mondo Internazionale Academy - University must:a. Lead the Mondo Internazionale Academy - University organization;
b. Periodically convene the Ordinary Assembly of members;
c. Prepare the agenda;
d. Convene the Extraordinary Assembly of members in case of urgency;
e. To organize and supervise the activities of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
f. Supervise the internal administrative and operational activities of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
g. Meet periodically with the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy to report on current activities, future operational guidelines and to report on the general framework of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
h. Managing funds and financing granted to Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, taking care that they are not used in a manner contrary to the legal provisions of the Italian State or the internal regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association, as well as the internal regulations of the university institutes in which Mondo Internazionale Academy - University operates;
i. Ensure that the activities carried out by Mondo Internazionale Academy - University are in line with the guidelines established by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy. The President also undertakes to maintain and maintain relations with the partners and entities with which Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università is committed to collaborate;
j. Verify, together with the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, that the tasks and responsibilities of the Secretary and the Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University are carried out correctly. In addition, the President is responsible for carefully supervising the proper performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
k. Start the dissolution procedure if necessary.
3. The President must take care of the image of the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, in the exercise of its functions, operating in the most transparent and objective way possible.
4. The President has the duty to protect any sensitive information and/or data belonging to the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University during the performance of its functions.
5. The President, if necessary, may request to consult the legal, operational and accounting records of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Mondo Internazionale Academy division by submitting a formal written request to the Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy. The President may have access, with the prior approval of the President, or in his place of the Vice President, to the software and computer tools in non-administered mode of the Association, limited to the performance of his functions and duties.
6. All the information that the President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities are to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
7. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University".
8. The President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy to perform his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
Article 15
1. The Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is appointed by a qualified majority of those present by the Assembly of Members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. Any member of the Assembly of Members may apply for the position of Director. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed. The Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy in writing at least 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after the communication.
2. The Advisor of the Mondo Internazionale Academy - University replaces the President if the latter is prevented from carrying out his office due to force majeure. Should the President be absent for a prolonged period, equal to or greater than 30 consecutive days, the Advisor must convene an extraordinary Assembly of members to proceed with the election of the new President. The same rule applies in the event of the President's resignation or removal from office.
3. The Advisor must:
a. Keep track of movements of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University funds and prepare a financial report to be presented to the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University every 3 months;
b. Support the Secretary in the internal administration;
c. Support the President in the elaboration of the operational strategies of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University and in their implementation;
d. Advise the President on the guidelines to be adopted for planning present and future activities;
e. Replace the President during representative events and institutional and associative activities if he is unable to take part.
4. The Advisor must take care of the image of the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, in the exercise of its functions, operating in the most transparent and objective way possible.
5. The Advisor has the duty to protect any sensitive information and/or data belonging to the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University during the performance of his functions.
6. The Director, if necessary, may request to consult the legal, operational and accounting documentation of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Mondo Internazionale Academy division by submitting a formal written request to the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
7. All the information that the Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
8. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University".
9. The Advisor of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of their duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy to perform his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
Organizzazione della divisione
Article 16
1. The Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is appointed by a qualified majority of those present by the Assembly of Members of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. Any member of the Assembly of Members may apply for the position of Secretary. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed. The Secretary may resign at any time by informing the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy in writing at least 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after the communication.
2. The Secretary represents the figure responsible for managing the internal administration of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
3. The Secretary must:
a. Prepare, compile, collect and archive all the documentation necessary for the correct functioning of Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università, taking care to respect the provisions of the law of the Italian State, the internal regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association, the provisions of these regulations and other rules established by the university institutes in which Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università operates;
b. Manage the agenda of the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
c. Organize and schedule the internal activities of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University;
d. Prepare any collaboration agreements with partners and bodies with which Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università collaborates;
e. Manage relations with other secretarial bodies that Mondo Internazionale Academy - University must contact and/or consult in order to carry out the planned activities;
f. Draw up and archive in chronological order the minutes of Ordinary and Extraordinary Members' Meetings;
g. Send the communications for the convocation of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly of members according to the agenda drawn up by the President.
4. The Secretary must take care of the image of the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, in the exercise of his functions, operating in the most transparent and objective way possible.
5. The Secretary has the duty to protect any sensitive information and/or data belonging to the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University during the performance of his duties.
6. The Secretary, if necessary, may request to consult the legal, operational and accounting records of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Mondo Internazionale Academy division by submitting a formal written request to the Director of the Mondo Internazionale Academy, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Academy.
7. All the information that the Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities are to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
8. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as the "Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University".
9. The Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy to perform his duties, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Secretary of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
Article 17
1. There will be a Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy operating at a national level. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy is appointed by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy upon proposal of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy. The Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy appoints the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy by qualified majority vote of its members. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy may resign at any time by informing the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy in writing at least 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the position of Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after notification.
2. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy may appoint two Vice-Project Managers of Mondo Internazionale Academy to carry out his or her own functions when he or she cannot be present or to support the project activities. When the Deputy Project Manager assumes the powers and duties of the Project Manager, he or she also assumes responsibility for the actions taken during his or her management period. The Deputy Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy is appointed by the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy after approval by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed. The Deputy Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy may resign at any time by giving prior written notice to the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy at least 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after notification.
3. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy is in charge of starting and coordinating the reference project of Mondo Internazionale Academy within Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to evaluate, together with the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy, that the project started is not in conflict with the established guidelines. Moreover, the Project Manager must provide support to the Project Managers of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University at the time of the start of the reference project in the national territory. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy supervises the implementation of the reference project within Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
4. The Project Manager must take care of the image of the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, in the exercise of its functions, operating in the most transparent and objective way possible.
5. The Project Manager has the duty to protect any sensitive information and/or data belonging to the Mondo Internazionale Association, Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University during the performance of his duties.
6. The Project Manager, if necessary, may request to consult the legal, operational and accounting documentation of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the Mondo Internazionale Academy division by submitting a formal written request to the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy, subject to the approval of the Mondo Internazionale Board of Directors.
7. All information that the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy deals with regarding the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
8. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy".
9. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. He shall be liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to the failure of the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy to perform his duties, he shall be liable civilly and criminally for the actions of the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
Article 18
1. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is appointed by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University upon proposal of the President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University. The Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University appoints the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University by qualified majority vote of its members. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University may resign at any time by informing the President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University in writing at least 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the position of Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - Università motivating the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Board of Directors shall take effect 3 days after the communication.
2. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University operates under the supervision of the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
3. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is responsible for all project activities assigned within Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, and shall direct and coordinate all project activities according to the guidelines developed by the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy and the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, which shall not conflict with those established by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy and the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
4. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University has the duty to provide continuously and/or upon request by the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University a clear and outlined picture of its activities. In case of need, the Director of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University may refer to the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy for the resolution of issues related to the implementation of the project in the local office.
6. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University may appoint two Vice-Project Managers of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University who may carry out his or her own functions when he or she cannot be present or who may act as support for the project activities. When the Deputy Project Manager assumes the powers and duties of the Project Manager, he or she also assumes responsibility for the actions taken during his or her management period.
7. All the information that the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University deals with about the Mondo Internazionale Association and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential and prohibited from disclosure. The same applies to the division of Mondo Internazionale Academy, in all its parts.
If knowledge and information beyond that available to the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University is requested, any communication must be approved by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy upon written request and submitted by the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, or a Deputy Project Manager, to the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy.
8. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University".
9. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of their duties. He is liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides the possibility of recourse to legal action against him. If the damage caused is attributable to failure to perform the duties of the President of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University, the latter shall be civilly and criminally liable for the actions of the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University.
Article 19
1. Those who intend to become members of the Mondo Internazionale Academy division must be, at the time of submitting the application, Ordinary Members of the Mondo Internazionale Association; the application for association is made by written application using the "become an Associate" form on the website. A self-certification must be inserted in the application form in which the candidate declares whether he has suffered criminal convictions or has criminal charges pending in Italy or abroad, specifying, if so, the crimes for which he has been convicted or is under investigation. To this form it is necessary to attach a copy of a valid identification document (Identity Card or Passport), conforming to the provisions of the law of the Italian State, and a copy of the Curriculum Vitae. It is also necessary to include the acceptance of rights for the protection of privacy and the assumption of any civil and criminal liability for any activity carried out within the Association, including the responsibility for what is disclosed in a personal capacity through Mondo Internazionale channels.
2. Specifying what is provided for in art. 4 of the Statute of the Mondo Internazionale, the Steering Committee may appoint Ordinary Associates those who have competence in the areas of interest to the Association's activities.3. Ordinary Associates who resign in order to take up a paid position in the Association, at the end of such position, may apply for readmission as Ordinary Associates.
4. The Board of Directors shall decide on the admission of the applications, referred to in the previous articles, with its own unquestionable judgement in the first meeting held after the submission of the application or in the immediately following one, if it is necessary to obtain further clarifications or cognitive elements. In order to simplify admission, the Management Committee may elect by qualified majority a delegate from among its members to check and decide on applications for admission.
5. Ordinary and Honorary Members have the right to vote in the Assembly and also have the right to the active and passive electorate for the appointment of the Association's corporate offices. Ordinary and Honorary Associates may be represented in the Assembly by another ordinary Associate; no Associate, however, may hold more than three proxies. Proxies for the election of the Steering Committee are not admitted.
6. Members are required to pay the annual membership fee in the amount and in the manner established each year by the Board of Directors.
The actual admission is determined by an official e-mail certifying the association at Mondo Internazionale.
7. The status of associate is lost in the cases provided for in art. 5 of the Statute. The exclusion of an Associate from the Association is deliberated by the Assembly on the proposal of the Steering Committee if the Associate does not comply with the provisions contained in the Statute, in this regulation and in any other act adopted by the bodies of the Association, or the resolutions taken by the competent bodies, carries out activities contrary to the interests of the Association, materially or morally damages it, foments disagreements and unrest among members, does not fulfill its obligations to the Association.
8. Cases of inefficient or harmful associates shall be reported to the Presidency by each associate who becomes aware of them. The Secretary General, having carried out the preliminary activity in agreement with the Vice-President, if necessary, reports in written form to the President who, during the meeting of the Steering Committee, will adopt the appropriate measures, also according to art. 5 of the Statute. In cases of absolute urgency, the President will take the opportune initiatives in accordance with the chapter 1 art. 3 of the Single Regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association.
9. The deceased or excluded member or the heirs of the deceased member have no right to repeat any fees paid, nor can they claim any rights on the movable and immovable property of the Association and they are required to meet the obligations validly assumed by the member in constant company relations.
10. The Ordinary Associate, who has not paid the membership fee, as provided for in paragraph 6 of this article, for a period of three months following two written reprimands by the Association made three months apart, shall forfeit his title upon decision of the Steering Committee.
11. Each member consents to the publication, use, reproduction, diffusion and transfer to the Association's partners of photographs, videos or other audiovisual materials made during the Association's activities and portraying them, by the Association and through its official channels. The photographic and audiovisual materials collected by the Association are used exclusively for the Association's activities and their promotion through the official communication channels of Mondo internazionale. Members may request, at any time, the elimination and deletion of photographic and audiovisual materials in which their image is portrayed and made public by the Mondo Internazionale Association, by sending written communication to the Legal consulting team of the same.
Article 21
1. The logo of Mondo Internazionale Academy is represented in every official channel and document of the division.
The use of Mondo Internazionale Academy logo by any of its members must be authorized by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy. The logo must be reproduced faithfully in the characters and color. The Mondo Internazionale Academy logo is protected in the same way as Mondo Internazionale Association logo.
2. This name and logo are protected in Italy and in the main foreign countries where the Association's and division's programs take place.
3. In the case of the "Mondo Internazionale - Nation" Associations, the logo indicated in chapter 7 art. 36 paragraph 1 of the Regulation of Mondo Internazionale Association provides for the addition of the reference "Nation".
Article 21
1. The activity of Mondo Internazionale Academy is scheduled in annual cycles through work plans established by the Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy, the Board of Directors of the Mondo Internazionale Association and the General Manager of the Association. The Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy - Universities shall faithfully adhere to the goals and working methods set forth in the annual work plans.
2. The activities of Mondo Internazionale Academy include the organization and participation in events and/or conferences of a formative and informative nature. Such events must be organized by Mondo Internazionale Academy and Mondo Internazionale Academy - University in public places, accessible to all, without any discrimination. The modalities and criteria for participation in the events must be established in the appropriate place in compliance with the principles and values on which the Mondo Internazionale Association is based.
3. The Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy - University shall supervise and coordinate the organization of events and/or conferences, under the supervision of the Project Manager of Mondo Internazionale Academy, if they have as their object the project coordinated by it.
4. The activities of Mondo Internazionale Academy include the creation of articles and reports to be published on the website of the Mondo Internazionale Association "". The Board of Directors of Mondo Internazionale Academy shall provide guidelines for the creation and writing of articles and reports, which shall be formulated under the supervision of the Project Managers, each for the project in question.
5. In order to fulfill its purpose, Mondo Internazionale Academy provides its members with various services aimed at professionalizing and increasing their educational background. These services include:
a. The organization of seminars, events and conferences involving free participation by members of the Mondo Internazionale Academy;
b. The organization of advanced training and professionalization courses that allow the development of hard and soft skills by the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy and its audience, to promote and facilitate the entry of students into the world of work;
c. The establishment of a network composed of the partners of the Mondo Internazionale Association, from which the members of Mondo Internazionale Academy can benefit in terms of personal and professional growth;
d. The structuring of an online database, located within the Mondo Internazionale Association website, where Mondo Internazionale Academy members can view and consult offers for internships, work and study experiences abroad.
Article 24
For this provision please refer to art. 49 of the Regulation of Mondo Internazionale.
Article 25
For this provision please refer to art. 50 of the Regulation of Mondo Internazionale.
Ultimo aggiornamento in data 13 January 2023