Eleonora Santi

Eleonora Santi is a 29 years old woman born and raised in Tuscany. She studied International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Bologna, where she graduated in 2016.

During her undergraduate studies, she developed a strong interest in Eastern European countries, which led her to pursue a master’s degree in MIREES (Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe) at the University of Bologna. During her mobility period, she studied in Lithuania at Vytautas Magnus University, where she graduated in 2018. Her academic and research interests include Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, and social issues. After her Erasmus experience in Lithuania, she participated in a European Volunteering program in Ukraine in 2019. Eleonora strongly believes in the importance of volunteering as a means to promote cooperation and facilitate cultural exchange.

Eleonora currently works on a second reception project with asylum seekers and refugees, where she applies her skills as a cultural mediator. She enjoys listening to podcasts to stay informed about current events and loves walking through the Tuscan countryside.

She recently joined Mondo Internazionale to actively contribute to the MI Hub Division and to further develop her writing skills.  
