Regolamento Camerun




1. Il Vice-Presidente deve svolgere attività di rappresentanza, coordinamento amministrativo ed intrattenere i rapporti nazionali ed internazionali di Mondo Internazionale Cameroon con gli enti pubblici e privati, in sostituzione e/o in complementarietà al Presidente.

2. Il Vice-Presidente deve avere doti di leadership, e cioè capacità di identificare i problemi più importanti e di guidare il Comitato Direttivo con obiettività ed equilibrio, favorendo l'apporto di tutti i Consiglieri, nonché di assistere il Presidente nelle decisioni che abbiano carattere di urgenza.

3. Il Vice – Presidente, in sostituzione al Presidente, garantisce il buon funzionamento del Comitato Direttivo e ne rappresenta le posizioni all’esterno.

a. Assicura il rispetto delle norme di legge e delle regoleinterne.

b. Non può sostituirsi al Comitato Direttivo nel dettare obiettivi o nel porre vincoli al personale;

c. Può delegare le proprie funzioni, ma continua a risponderne.

d.In caso di sua assenza o impossibilità ad esercitare le sue funzioni il Vice - Presidente è sostituito a tutti gli effetti dall’Associato Fondatore più anziano.

e. Al termine del suo mandato, il Vice-Presidente resta in carica per l'ordinaria amministrazione sin quando è approvato il bilancio consuntivo e il rendiconto economico-finanziario dell’ esercizio appena concluso e/o il Comitato Direttivo non elegge il successore.

4. L’Associazione deve, non appena possibile, stipulare una polizza assicurativa di responsabilità civile per il Vice -Presidente.

5. Il Vice–Presidente, in sostituzione del Presidente, in caso di assoluta urgenza per il rispetto delle normative vigenti adotta tutte le misure necessarie.

6. Il Vice - Presidente, a nome dell’Associazione, intrattiene rapporti con i partecipanti ai programmi, con le altre associazioni e con tutti gli enti con cui è opportuno collaborare per il conseguimento degli obiettivi fissati dal Comitato Direttivo, nel rispetto delle norme di legge e della riservatezza.

7. Il Vice-Presidente deve provvedere affinché almeno il Presidente sia a conoscenza di questioni e procedure di base del proprio lavoro, in modo che possa essere sostituito temporaneamente in caso di necessità e deve informare il Presidente ogni 2 settimane del lavoro svolto, salvo casi urgenti.

8. Il Vice – Presidente, a firma congiunta con il Presidente, deve:

a. Definire le competenze specifiche del personale dipendente e dei collaboratori esterni;

b. Assumere, promuovere, sospendere, licenziare il personale;

c. Provvedere, in collaborazione con il Tesoriere, al pagamento delle periodiche competenze di natura salariale del personale dipendente, nonché dei contributi e relativi adempimenti obbligatori;

d. Porre in essere tutti gli adempimenti in ambito antinfortunistico a tutela dei dipendenti e collaboratori, adottando tutte le necessarie cautele e fornendo agli stessi la necessaria formazione allo scopo di evitare e prevenire ogni possibile rischio generico o specifico al quale essi possano essere esposti;

e.Trattare rapporti di assistenza e consulenza con professionisti che abbiano durata continuativa od occasionale e che interessino questioni legali, amministrative, fiscali, tecniche, promozione, ecc. da proporre per la firma al Presidente;

f. esercitare le funzioni di rappresentante legale, su richiesta del Presidente, per i rapporti tributari, con poteri tra l'altro di rappresentare l’Associazione nei confronti dell'amministrazione finanziaria, delle commissioni tributarie in ogni grado di giurisdizione, con facoltà di trattare, discutere, negoziare e firmare qualsiasi domanda, istanza e ricorso, in nome e per conto dell'associazione, con specifico potere di mandato, a sottoscrivere le dichiarazioni dei redditi, certificazioni fiscali ed ogni altra dichiarazione richiesta dall'amministrazione finanziaria, quelle dell’IVA e quelle delle imposte dirette e/o indirette;

g. adottare tutte le necessarie misure atte a prevenire violazioni dell’obbligo della privacy con facoltà di nominare dei responsabili preposti al trattamento informatico di dati personali;

h.compiere ogni altro atto rientrante nell'ordinaria amministrazione, secondo i programmi ed entro i limiti di spesa approvati dal Comitato Direttivo.



  1. Il Tesoriere di Mondo Internazionale Cameroon è nominato a maggioranza semplice dal Comitato Direttivo su proposta del Presidente.
  2. Il Tesoriere di Mondo Internazionale Cameroon ha un mandato di due anni, rinnovabile.
  3. Il Tesoriere deve:
    a. Prevedere il denaro che entra ed esce dall’Associazione e controllare il flusso monetario evitando nel breve periodo il rischio di dover ricorrere a finanziamenti maggiori di quelli previsti.
    b. Proporre e attuare le politiche monetarie dell’Associazione, in coordinamento con il Presidente e il Vice -Presidente.
    c. Predisporre nei particolari un piano finanziario annuale e trimestrale, nel quale compaiano la portata e la natura dei flussi monetari necessari allo svolgimento delle attività dei diversi comparti associativi.
    d. Gestire il flusso del denaro, pianificando le risorse monetarie dell’Associazione secondo l’intervallo di tempo stabilito, nell’ambito delle politiche fornite dal Presidente e dal Comitato Direttivo.
    e. Interagire e relazionarsi con gli istituti di credito e finanziari.
    f. Disporre di un quadro costante dell’andamento dei mercati finanziari e dei diversi prodotti finanziari affidabili.
    g. Monitorare ogni movimento dei conti bancari, esaminando ogni voce degli estratti-conto, tempi di assegnazione della valuta, tempi e attribuzione del credito, rispetto degli accordi sul costo del denaro, tassi di interesse attivi e passivi, spese di esercizio per la tenuta dei conti, eventuali variazioni di legge sulla movimentazione di capitali nazionali e internazionali
    h. Gestire i rapporti con i revisori contabili e con il Vice-Presidente delegato al bilancio.



  1. Il Consigliere di Mondo Internazionale Cameroon è nominato a maggioranza semplice dal Comitato Direttivo su proposta del Presidente.
  2. Il Consigliere di Mondo Internazionale Cameroon ha un mandato di due anni, rinnovabile.
  3. Il Consigliere opera con i poteri che gli sono espressamente delegati dal presente regolamento. Tra i suoi doveri vi sono quelli di fornire al Comitato Direttivo scenari sul futuro dell’Associazione e strategie per il suo sviluppo, tutelare l'immagine e la credibilità di Mondo Internazionale, fissare benefici dei collaboratori entro i limiti usuali per la professionalità impiegata e nel rispetto delle norme vigenti in materia di lavoro, garantire la sicurezza delle sedi secondo le norme fissate dalle normative vigenti.
  4. Il Consigliere propone al Comitato Direttivo il Piano Annuale e formula una proposta di Piano Triennale da sottoporre all’Assemblea Generale. Non può esimersi dall’informare il Presidente e il Comitato Direttivo in particolare sugli eventi e sulle tendenze più rilevanti, sulle opinioni che possono condizionarne le decisioni, sulle situazioni in cui il Comitato Direttivo devia dalle proprie precedenti linee direttive e segnala al Presidente gli argomenti che sarebbe opportuno, a suo avviso, mettere all’ordine del giorno.



  1. Il Comitato Direttivo il 15 gennaio, a partire dall’anno 2010, di ogni anno invia un report delle attività dell’anno precedente al Comitato Direttivo di Mondo Internazionale specificando la propria opinione in merito alle attività svolte.
  2. Il Comitato Direttivo il 15 novembre di ogni anno, a partire dall’anno 2019, stabilisce la quota associativa per l’anno successivo. La quota associativa deve essere proporzionale alla possibilità di pagamento degli studenti universitari e permettere l’iscrizione al maggior numero possibile di persone. In aggiunta, il Comitato Direttivo deve tenere presente che la somma delle quote associative annuali deve coprire almeno l’80% dei costi vivi dell’Associazione ovvero: tasse e spese bancarie.



  1. Le competenze del Collegio dei probiviri sono stabilite dall’art.13 dello Statuto dell’Associazione Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.
  2. Restano ferme le competenze del giudice ordinario in ogni altro campo e in particolare in tema di accertamento delle responsabilità civili e penali e di risarcimento del danno.
  3. I componenti del Collegio devono conformare il loro comportamento a criteri di assoluta riservatezza in relazione a fatti, atti, notizie e documentazione di cui vengano a conoscenza nell’esercizio del mandato loro conferito.
  4. I componenti del Collegio devono astenersi:
    a. dall’esprimere verbalmente o in forma scritta giudizi e/o pareri relativamente a fatti e/o circostanze potenzialmente oggetto di azioni disciplinari;
    b. dal partecipare alla formazione delle deliberazioni del Collegio qualora risultino personalmente parti in causa oppure lo siano affini e/o parenti fino al terzo grado.
  5. Il Presidente del Collegio dei probiviri provvede alla sua convocazione nei casi e nei termini di cui agli articoli successivi.
  6. Il Collegio è regolarmente costituito con la presenza di tutti i tre componenti e delibera a maggioranza.
  7. Sulla base di accordo unanime dei componenti, le riunioni in presenza possono essere sostituite da comunicazioni e deliberazioni a distanza, tramite posta elettronica o altri sistemi informatici e telematici.
  8. In caso di decadenza di uno dei componenti effettivi si provvederà alla sostituzione con il primo dei supplenti, senza che ciò comporti interruzione di eventuali procedimenti incorso.
    In caso di accertata impossibilità di uno dei componenti effettivi a svolgere l’incarico che si protragga per oltre 15 giorni, intervenuta nelle more di un procedimento, si procederà alla temporanea sostituzione con il primo dei supplenti. La sostituzione non comporterà interruzione dei procedimenti e il supplente rimarrà in carica fino alla conclusione dei singoli procedimenti in corso.
  9. Qualora il procedimento interessi o sia promosso su segnalazione di uno dei componenti del Collegio dei probiviri, lo stesso è temporaneamente sostituito dal primo dei supplenti.
  10. Il Collegio può disporre qualsiasi atto istruttorio, accedere alla documentazione associativa, acquisire pareri, ascoltare testi. Nei giudizi di particolare complessità, può nominare consulenti anche esterni, previa verifica della relativa disponibilità di spesa ove si tratti di prestazioni professionali a titolo oneroso.
  11. Il Collegio detta, in relazione agli specifici casi, le regole e i termini delle ulteriori fasi del procedimento, garantendo comunque il contraddittorio tra le parti, anche disponendone l’audizione personale.
  12. L’avvio dei procedimenti e le decisioni conclusive del Collegio dovranno essere notificati nei 10 (dieci) giorni successivi, mediante raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno, alle parti o agli interessati.
  13. Il Presidente dell’Associazione, regolarmente informato dei procedimenti e delle decisioni del Collegio, ove necessario, ne cura l’attuazione.
  14. Entro 10 (dieci) giorni dalla conclusione di ogni procedimento, il Presidente del Collegio provvede al deposito della relativa documentazione presso l’archivio dell’Associazione. La nota di consegna deve riportare l’elenco degli allegati con sommaria descrizione della loro natura e del loro contenuto.
  15. Il Presidente dell’Associazione deve presenziare durante le riunioni del Collegio dei Probiviri senza diritto di voto, deve mantenere la segretezza in relazione a fatti, atti, notizie e documentazione di cui venga a conoscenza.

Article 7

The Board of Auditors

1. Each component is re-eligible and can only be rejected for good reason.

2. The President of the The Board of Auditors has the obligation to convene the Board and is responsible for keeping the minutes.

3. The person who has been convicted for committing civil or penal crimes, can’t assume the role of Auditor.

4. In the event of the death, renunciation or revocation of a member of the Board, the alternate entitled by vote and/or age succeeds. If the number of alternates is insufficient to ensure the composition of the College, it shall be integrated into the first useful Assembly.

5. The responsibilities of the Auditor are those provided by the current legislation.

6. The Auditors may attend the meetings of the Steering Committee, the Executive Committee and the Assemblies to which they may be invited.

7. Under the mandate of the Steering Committee of the membership structure, it is the duty of the Board of Auditors to intervene in the lower structures, relating to the structure of membership and knowledge of the structure concerned.

8. The control functions on the accounts and the budgets of the Associates are exercised with the collaboration of the Treasurer, in order to make transparent the activity carried out by the Associates.

9. The Board of Auditors shall review the legality of the acts, on the expenditure and revenue of the central bodies in relation to the budget and to the deliberative correspondence and the acknowledgement of all accounting documents in collaboration with the Treasury.

10. The outcome of this activity shall be notified in writing to the President.

11. The Board is convened by its President, through the Secretary who acts as Chancellery of the Board.

12. The notice of convocation shall be communicated to the Members at least 5 days before the meeting, unless urgent deliberations are necessary.

13. In carrying out its institutional tasks, the Board may carry out periodic inspections of the books kept by the Treasurer.

Chapter 2

Article 8


1. Those who wish to become ordinary members of the Association must apply in written form. In the application form must be inserted a self-certification in which the candidate declares whether he has suffered criminal convictions or has criminal charges pending in the country of residence or abroad, specifying the offences for which he has been convicted or it is suspected. It should also include the acceptance of the rights for the protection of privacy and the assumption of any civil and criminal responsibility for any activity carried out within the Association, including the responsibility for what is disclosed in a personal capacity through the channels of the Association Mondo Internazionale and of the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.

2. Specifying the provisions of art. 4 of the Statute of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon, the Steering Committee can appoint ordinary Associates those who have particular competence in the fields of interest of the Association’s activities.

3. The ordinary Associates who submit their resignation in order to be able to take up a paid position in the Association, at the end of this assignment may apply for readmission as ordinary Associates, no later than six months after the conclusion of the employment relationship.

4. On the admission of applications, referred to in the previous articles, decides the Steering Committee, with its own unquestionable judgment in the first session after the submission of the application or in the one immediately following, if further clarification or information becomes necessary.

5. Ordinary and honorary members have the right to vote in the Assembly and they also have the right to vote and stand for election for the appointment of the social offices. Ordinary and honorary Associates may be represented in the Assembly by another Ordinary Associate; however, no member may possess more than three proxies. No delegations are admitted for the election of the Steering Committee.

6. Associates are obliged to pay the annual registration fee in the amount and in the manner established each year by the Steering Committee.

a. Each member is issued, at the time of payment of the fee for membership of Mondo Internazionale Association, a personalized card with a unique identification number and not reproducible;

b. This card is strictly personal and not transferable to third parties, as it identifies the associate within the Association itself;

c. In case of a request to send the membership card to the residence and/or domicile, the Steering Committee has the right to ask for a contribution equal to the cost of the shipping charges.

7. The status of associate is lost in the cases provided for by art. 5 of the Statute. The exclusion of an associate from the Association is decided by the Assembly on a proposal of the Steering Committee if the Associate does not comply with the provisions of the Statute, in this regulation and in any other act adopted by the organs of the Association, or the decisions taken by the competent bodies, carry out activities contrary to the interests of the Association, materially or morally damaging it, foment disagreements and disorder among the members, does not fulfill the obligations assumed towards the Association.

8. The cases of inefficient or harmful associates should be reported to the Presidency by any associate who has knowledge of them. The President, having completed the preparatory work in agreement with the Vice-President, will report in written form to the Steering Committee that will take the appropriate measures, also pursuant to Article 5 of the Statute. In cases of absolute urgency, the President will take the appropriate steps in accordance with art. 3 of the Rules of Procedure in Chapter 1.

9. The Associate deceased or excluded or the heirs of the deceased associate shall not be entitled to repeat any shares paid, nor can they claim any right on the movable and immovable property of the Association and are obliged to cope with the obligations validly assumed by the Associate in constancy of the relationship.

10. The Ordinary Associate, who has not paid the membership fee for a period of two consecutive years, decay from his qualification by a decision of the Steering Committee.

Article 9


1. The calling of the Assembly upon request pursuant to Art. 10 par. 5 of the Statute must be made within thirty days of receipt of the request. Failing this, the convocation will be carried out by the President.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10 par. 8 the second call of the Members Assembly must be held one hour after the first one. This exception must be renewed annually during the first meeting of the Steering Committee. The Order of business of the General Assembly is published by the Steering Committee at least 10 days before the Associates General Assembly; therefore any requests for inclusion of other points by the associates, which include resolutions of the Assembly, must reach the Committee at least 20 days in advance, so as to be able to prepare the documentation necessary for discussion. Exceptionally the Associates can present to the President of the Assembly, upon the opening of the same, written statements on topics to be included among "Any other business ": the President will have the faculty to decide on the admissibility of the arguments or on their referral to other Association’s bodies.

3. In the session of approval of the three-year plans of the Association, in consideration of the wide involvement of Associates since the drafting phase and in consideration of the possibility offered to all to make amendments in the course of many months, as well as of the specific request addressed to all the Associates to send possible proposals for amendment by September 1st, will be discussed in the Assembly only the amendment proposals presented in writing by at least ten ordinary Associates. The other proposals will go instead to the Steering Committee for a subsequent examination.

Article 10


1. In the case of transfers, 2nd class tickets are used on the train, economy class tickets on the plane, hotels of a category higher than 2 stars and less than 5 stars, and out-of-pocket expenses for meals and drinks. The reimbursement for expenses is regulated by the “Transfer Regulation” that the Steering Committee is obliged to draft within a maximum of 60 days from the entry into force of this Regulation. Such “Transfer Regulation” must be updated yearly. Derogations to this Article are not allowed.

2. Any travel must be approved by the Steering Committee and the President after consulting the General Secretary and the Treasurer.

3. The reimbursement must be asked to the Treasurer within 10 days from the return from the trip, presenting the expense reimbursement form and the original copy of the payment receipt. All refunds, with exceptions for extraordinary cases, will be issued within 60 days from the date of submission of the form and made by bank transfer.

4. Reimbursement of unauthorized stay is allowed during the approval of the trip when this does not depend on the direct will of the associate but due to force majeure that prevent the return in the same day, if there is evidence to confirm.

5. Cases for which reimbursement is not permitted are:

a. Stay and / or transfer that have not been previously discussed and authorized by the Steering Committee and the President after consulting the Counsellor and the Treasurer.

b. Absence of documentation proving the costs incurred to be reimbursed.

c. Request for reimbursement made to the Treasurer on the expiry of the terms mentioned in Article 3.

Article 11


1. The trademark of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon is:

Any use by any Associate member authorized by the President or by the Vice-President must faithfully reproduce the mark itself in characters and colors:

2. This name and trademark are protected in Italy and in the main foreign Countries where the Association Mondo Internazionale and the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon programs are held.

Article 12


1. Mondo Internazionale Cameroon's activity is planned in annual, biennial, three-year and ten-year cycles through plans proposed by the Assembly and approved by the Steering Committee and by the Steering Committee of Mondo Internazionale. These plans are translated into annual work plans prepared by the President of Mondo Internazionale in collaboration with Mondo Internazionale Cameroon’s President.

2. Posts or other content that includes written production will be evaluated in accordance with the principles of grammatical and syntactical correctness of the language used for the expression. Moreover, it will be the duty of the Proofreader, appointed by the Mondo Internazionale’s Proofreader Manager, to read up as much as possible on the truthfulness of the general information contained therein and that the final product is not in contrast with the principles and purposes of which the Association is guarantor and spokesperson. The responsibility for what is disclosed in a personal capacity by means of Mondo Internazionale and Mondo Internazionale Cameroon channels falls precisely on the natural person.

Article 13


1. The Proofreaders Team is headed by the Manager of the Mondo Internazionale Proofreaders Team Cameroon who coordinates all the activities of the team and controls their work for full compliance with the regulations in force.

2. The charge of Proofreaders Team Manager has unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years.

3. The Proofreaders Team Manager collaborates with two Vice-Managers, individuated and appointed by the Proofreaders Team Manager with the consent of the Operative Director, who are responsible of coordinating the activities of the Proofreaders Team and of replacing the Proofreaders Team Manager.

4. In case of resignation from the assignment, both for the Proofreaders Team Manager and for the Vice-Managers, they must be delivered in writing to the Operative Director with a 60 days’ notice.
5. The Manager of the Proofreader Team represents the Team at the Mondo Internazionale Proofreader Team as indicated in art. 14 paragraph 7 of the Mondo Internazionale Regulation.

Chapter 3 - Use of the computer system


The progressive spread of new information technologies, and in particular the free access to the Internet by Personal Computers, exposes Mondo Internazionale to the risks of both financial and criminal involvement, creating problems for the security and the image of the Association itself.

Given therefore that the use of the IT and telematic resources of our Association must always be inspired by the principles of diligence and correctness, behaviours that are normally adopted in the context of an employment relationship, Mondo Internazionale has adopted an internal regulation aimed at preventing unaware behaviours from triggering problems or threats to security in data processing.

Article 14

Use of Access Keys

1. The custodian of the confidential keywords, for the performance of its functions, has the right at any time to access the data processed by each one, including the internal e-mail archives.

2. The custodian of the reserved keywords will be able to access the data and the IT tools exclusively to allow the Association itself, the data controller, to access the data processed by each appointee in the manner set by the Association itself, for the sole purpose of guaranteeing the operation, system security and the normal course of Association activities.

3. It is necessary to change the password by the data processor on first use and, subsequently, at least every six months; in the case of processing of sensitive data and judicial data, the frequency of the change must be reduced to three months with simultaneous communication to the Custodian of the Key Words.

4. Passwords can consist of letters (upper or lower case) and numbers, remembering that upper- and lower-case letters have different meanings for the system.

5. The password must be replaced immediately, notifying the Custodian of the Keywords, if it is suspected that it has lost its secrecy.

6. If the user becomes aware of the passwords of another user, he must immediately inform the webmaster or the person in charge who takes his place.

Article 15

Use of the file sharing network of Mondo Internazionale Africa

1. Network units are strictly professional information sharing areas and cannot in any way be used for different purposes. Therefore, any file that is not related to the Association activity cannot be dislocated, even for short periods, in these units. On these units, regular control, administration and backup activities are carried out.

2. The entrance passwords to the network and to the programs are secret and must be communicated and managed according to the established procedures. It is absolutely forbidden to enter the network and programs with other usernames.

3. The Webmaster can at any time proceed with the removal of any file or application that it deems to be dangerous for security both on the PCs of the appointees and on the network units.

4. Periodic (at least every six months) cleaning of the archives, with deletion of obsolete or useless files, is considered a fair conduct. Particular attention must be paid to data duplication. Indeed, redundant archiving should be avoided.

5. Each user must pay the utmost attention to the contents of external origin, immediately informing the webmaster if viruses are detected.

Article 16

Use of E-mail

1. The mailbox, assigned by the Association to the user, is a necessary working tool for the associative life. The assignees of email accounts are responsible for their correct use.

2. It is forbidden to use e-mail boxes provided by Mondo Internazionale to send personal messages or to participate in debates, forums or mailing lists unless otherwise explicitly authorized.

3. It is forbidden any form of registration to sites whose contents are not related to the Associative activity with the Associate’s e-mail.

4. It is good practice to avoid messages completely unrelated to the employment relationship or relationships between colleagues. The mailbox must be kept in order, erasing unnecessary documents and above all bulky attachments.

5. Any communication sent or received that has relevant contents or contains contractual or pre-contractual commitments for Mondo Internazionale must be viewed or authorized by the Presidence, or in any case it is appropriate to refer to the procedures in place for ordinary correspondence.

6. The electronic documentation that constitutes for the company’s protected technical or administrative "know-how", and that, therefore, is characterized by wordings or warnings aimed at highlighting the confidential or secret nature of protecting the company's assets, cannot be communicated externally without prior authorization from the Presidence.

7. It is possible to use the return receipt to confirm the reading of the message by the recipient, but as a rule, for official communication it is mandatory to use traditional tools after contacting the Presidency.

8. For the transmission of files within the Association it is possible to use e-mail, paying attention to the size of the attachments.

9. It is mandatory to check e-mail attachment files before using them (do not download executable files or documents from unknown websites or FTP).

10. It is forbidden to send electronic chains. If you receive such messages, you must notify the Mondo Internazionale’s Secretary immediately. Under no circumstances should the attachments of these messages be activated.

Chapter 4 - Articles and documents

Article 17

The Writers

1. All those who are ordinary Associates and perform writing activities for the blog of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association are given the status of a writer.

2. This qualification can be used outside the Association to describe the activity that the Ordinary Associate performs within the Association.

3. The status of writer is not attributable to any editorial and/or journalistic reference.

Article 18

Disclosure of documents

1. All documents of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon are public and can be consulted at any time by submitting a formal request in writing to the President.

2. The President has 7 days to be able to present the required documentation or, if he cannot present them personally, he can delegate the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the Counsellor.

3. All documentation cannot be handed over to other members of the Association or to third parties, nor can it be photographed or photocopied.

4. The Statute and the Internal Regulations, as well as the Financial Statements and the Books are public and published on the website of Mondo Internazionale and/or Mondo Internazionale Africa and are always available for consultation. Any other document, except the development programs of the Association, considered strategic both for the evolution of the Association and for the uniqueness of the activities are reserved only to the Steering Committee and the President.

5. It is forbidden for all Associates to deliver the documents or communicate the content of the same to third parties who are not members of the Association.

Chapter 5 - Relations with third parties

Article 19

Mondo Internazionale's management of Activities with Third Parties

1. The management of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon activities with third parties is attributed to a manager identified by the Steering Committee with a simple majority of those present.

2. The appointment lasts until the end of the activity with the third party in question or until a different resolution by the Steering Committee with the same voting method.

3. The formalization of the agreement will, in any case, be signed by the President of the Association.

Chapter 6 - Meetings

Article 20

Meetings of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will meet twice a month for management activities such as:

  1. a. Resolutions for activities with third parties;
  2. b. Update of management activities of the Steering Committee;
  3. c. Resolution for acceptance of the registration of new members, published on the 15th and 30th of each month, unless otherwise specified by the Steering Committee;
  4. d. Any activity necessary to achieve the objectives set;
  5. e. Resolution on the proposals for appointing internal offices of the Mondo Internazionale Association, submitted by the President for approval or rejection of the same.

Article 21

Meetings of the Assembly of Associates

The Assembly is convened once every three months starting every year from the month of January to be able to follow the activity of the Association slavishly involving all the associates.

Chapter 7 - Fundings

Article 22


1. Any of the Associates can request the President or the Vice President, through a formal request where the reasons are indicated, to submit to the Treasurer the possibility of using a funding.

2. The President is obliged to submit the request to the Treasurer, after having examined it, within 5 days.

3. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining relations with the bank and negotiating its interests.

Article 23

Evaluation Method

1. The Treasurer will have to evaluate the possibility of requesting a funding and first will have to verify the impossibility of self-financing. If the proposal is approved, this will have to be submitted to analysis by the The Board of Auditors. Once approved by the The Board of Auditors, it will be submitted to a vote by the Steering Committee which will have to approve it unanimously.

2. Within 10 days of the unanimous approval of the Steering Committee, the Treasurer will have to draw up a plan to repay the funding, explaining the timing and purpose of the same. The plan must then be examined by the The Board of Auditors and finally again by the Steering Committee which must approve it unanimously.

3. From the formal request to the last approval, no more than 60 days must pass.

4. In the event of rejection of the request, there must be at least 90 days from the date of rejection to the date of a new formal request to the President.

5. In case of approval, the Presidente will assign the Treasurer to proceed with the request for funding.

6. The Presidente, on an exceptional basis, may request to proceed directly with the Steering Committee approval, when the amount of funding does not exceed euro 1.000,00 and the duration of 12 months.

Article 24


1.The maximum duration of a funding must be 36 months.

2.There is no minimum duration limit.

Article 25


It is strictly forbidden to impose mortgages for the financing on the movable and immovable property of the associates, whatever position they hold within the Association

Article 26

Eligibility of financing

1. All funding will be eligible provided they are issued by recognized financial companies or alternatively by institutional bodies.

2. Funding that do not reflect all the characteristics indicated and that have not followed the entire approval process will not be eligible.

3. It is the duty of the President to ensure that the procedure and characteristics are correct.

Article 27

Exceptional cases

The President, after consulting the Vice-President and the Treasurer, can request in cases of extreme urgency that an assembly of the three bodies with the right to vote on questions of funding be called to be able to carry out a unanimous vote to request a necessary and urgent loan . The meeting must be called within three days and at least 2/3 of those entitled to vote must be present in order to proceed with the vote.

Article 28

Liberal funding

Liberal funding will be discussed and approved by a majority of the Steering Committee.

Article 29

Devolving Mondo Internazionale Quota

1. The Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association to the achievement of budget assets equal to or greater than the amount of € 1200.00, each year devolves 20% of the revenue to the Mondo Internazionale Association as compensation for the services that the Association annually benefits from and as funding for international research.

2. The percentage referred to in paragraph 1 of the art. 29 must be fixed annually during the first meeting of the International Steering Committee.

Chapter 8 - Social Media

Article 30

Use of Social Media

1. The Mondo Internazionale Association reserves the right to use social communication channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and any other social network available to promote and disseminate the activities of the Association itself in the world, for the purpose of expanding the membership network and resonance of the goals and objectives set.

2. The Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association can open other communication channels not used by the Association Mondo Internazionale, provided that the Operative Director is notified in written form al least 30 days before the commencement.

3. The Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association appoints the Social Media Manager in charge for two years, re-eligible.

4. The Steering Committee reserves the right to establish which contents may be published on the social channels of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association, also reserving the right to establish the most suitable ways to fulfill the established goals and objectives.

5. The Steering Committee also reserves the right to decide at any time the interruption of the publication of the contents on the social channels, upon motivation of such decision.

6. The Social Media Management of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association is entrusted to the Social Media Manager who must:

a. manage and maintain active the pages and/or the profiles of the Association itself within the social networks mentioned above.

b. directs the activities of the Social Media Team of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.

c. collaborates with the Social Media Team of Mondo Internazionale as indicated at the Chapter 2 paragraph 28 of the Mondo Internazionale Regulation.

Article 31

Social Media Manager

1. This role has the task of carrying out, in its entirety and integrity, all the tasks envisaged by the management of the social networks of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association.

2. As responsible for the management of publications, the tasks are to control and manage the following publications: post and captions.

The publication activity is carried out in the tasks foreseen by the Steering Committee related with the needs of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association.

Specifically, these tasks concern:

a. Communication management conducted through the profiles of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association.

b. The optimization of the communication activity of the Mondo Internazionale Africa Association, according to the criteria established by the Steering Committee.

c. The control of the conformity of the published materials to the provisions in force concerning copyright and intellectual property protection.

4. Also, as required by art. 17 of this Regulation, this role is identified by the Steering Committee as responsible for managing relations with third parties on behalf of the Mondo Internazionale Association, taking care of the image of the Association itself outside and of the relationships it has with the third parties’ institutions with which it collaborates.

5. This office has the task of following the guidelines, established by the Steering Committee, regarding the publication, publication and dissemination of the contents of the projects initiated by the Mondo Internazionale Association, in order to make communication with external bodies more effective and adequate, stakeholders and the public affected by the Association's activities.

6. The person in charge accepts the prohibition of publishing, communicating or disseminating, in a verbal or written manner, the confidential content of the Mondo Internazionale Association without prior authorization from the Steering Committee.

Chapter 9 - Management of Secretarial and Coordination Activities

1. For secretarial and coordination activities, we mean all those activities aimed at managing the documentation of the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon and of the materials related to the projects initiated by the Association itself.

2. The secretarial activities concern:

  1. The coordination of the normal conduct of publishing, translation, sponsorship with the outside and the correct fulfilment of the activities of the projects started.
  2. The verification of the correct advancement of projects and collaborations, keeping the president updated.
  3. The convocation of the Steering Committee and the ordinary and extraordinary Assembly through the president.
  4. The management of Association and renewals of the same, in collaboration with the Treasury of the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.

3. These activities are coordinated and supervised by the Head of secretarial and coordinating activities.

Article 32

Secretariat Manager

1. On a proposal from the Steering Committee is appointed one person who has the role of head of secretarial and coordination activities.

2. This charge, denominated “Secretarial Referent”, must manage and/or simplify the tasks related the Secretariat of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association, where the Steering Committee considers it necessary.

3. Such activities include:

a. Calendarization of content to be published on web site and/or social network platforms.

b. Archiving and management of the Association's documents, such as minutes, documents relating to Associations, projects and advocacy, as well as bureaucratic ones.

c. Coordination of the President and the Steering Committee’s activities.

4. The Secretariat Manager collaborates closely with the Steering Committee for the activities of the Mondo Internazionale Africa Association regarding the management of the Association's activities that fall within the competences described in paragraph 3 of this article.

5. The Secretariat Manager collaborates with the Head of the Secretariat and Coordination for the activities of Mondo Internazionale regarding the management of the international activities of the Association as indicated in Chapter 1 of Article 7. of the Mondo Internazionale Regulation.

5. The Secretariat Manager must take care of the image of the Mondo Internazionale Africa Association in the performance of its functions, operating in the most transparent and objective manner possible.

6. The Secretariat Manager is responsible for protecting any information and / or sensitive data belonging to the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association during his / her duties.

Chapter 10 - Translations

1. The Steering Committee reserves itself the right to initiate the translation of all materials published by the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon into languages different from English, to allow understanding of the contents even to a local public.

2. This activity also applies to public and non-confidential documents within the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon, in order to allow any different nationalities Associate to consult the Association's documentation.

3. The official language of the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon is the official language of the Country and the English language. All the documents must be translated in the official language of the Country and in English, in Italian language too if requested.

Article 33

Head of Translation

1. The President can propose to the Steering Committee the appointment of the Head of Translation, who has the task of translating the materials and contents indicated by the Steering Committee itself.

2. More than one Head of Translation can be appointed, each with a different foreign language from which a translation team is dependent.

3. The Head of translation must carry out his activity in close contact with the Steering Committee, following his instructions.

4. The Head of translation assumes all responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of the translations performed within the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.

Chapter 11

Article 34

Business Plan and Planning Activities

  1. The Steering Committee of the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon in the case of needing, it will start researching public tenders, national and internal, for financing its Associative projects, in compliance with the requirements for the correct and profitable development of the same.
    a. In particular, this activity includes:
    - The research, through IT tools and web platforms, for national and/or international tenders, to which the Association can participate, in compliance with the conditions and requirements, for the financing of exclusively Associative projects;
    - The drafting and collection of the documentation necessary for participation in the call for proposals;
    - The forwarding of the documentation collected, according to the terms set by the call text, for the possible inclusion in the ranking of the selected bodies;
    - In the event of a successful participation in the tender, the collection of funds for the project selected for the disbursement of funds;
  2. Participation in funding calls is determined by the positive resolution of the Association’s Steering Committee, which is responsible for controlling that the funding provided by the tender is allocated effectively and unequivocally to the project that it intends to finance;
    a. The Steering Committee, together with the Treasurer of the Association, has the task of identifying the most appropriate methods and solutions to verify the correct disbursement of the funds obtained towards the project selected for internal financing.
    b. Also, the Steering Committee, together with the Treasurer of the Association, has the task of verifying the correct use of these funds according to the purposes and the purposes foreseen by the financed project.
  3. Also, the Steering Committee approves the introduction and preparation of the document called "Business Plan" of the Mondo Internazionale Africa Association, with the purpose of planning medium- and long-term economic activities and participation in national and European calls for tenders financing, if required.
  4. The Steering Committee is responsible for verifying the correctness of the documents necessary for the preparation of the Business Plan and the documentation for participating in the calls for funding;
    1. The documentation is provided according to the requests expressed at the time of the compilation of the Business Plan by the persons in charge of carrying out these activities.

Article 35

Business Plan Manager and Planning Activities

  1. These activities, mentioned in the article 33 of this Regulation, are carried out by a Team employed by the Business Plan and Planning Activities Manager, identified on the proposal of the President and appointed collegially by the Steering Committee, for the preparation of the Business Plan and the planning activity of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association.
    a. The Manager, in the case of necessity, can ask the Vice-President in relation to the appointment of a Vice-Manager and handler/s for the assistance in performing the indicated tasks.
  2. The Manager carries out the activities in close contact and coordination with the Steering Committee, which has the faculty to appoint internally one or more persons in charge for the specific control of the duties of the Manager. The responsibilities of the Manager are as follows:
    a. The activities provided for in paragraph 1 of the art. 34 of this Regulation;
    b. With regard to paragraph 3 of the art. 34 of these Regulation, the preparation of the Business Plan according to the form and the data requested;
    c. Verification of the truthfulness and accuracy of the information entered at the time of completing the documents aimed at participating in national and European tenders and in drafting the Business Plan of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association;
    d. The supervision, in close coordination with the Steering Committee, of the work of the Vice-Manager and of any referents in the performance of these duties.
  3. The Steering Committee is responsible for providing the Manager with all the documentation required for the performance of the duties indicated, after checking the actual necessity of such documentation; also, the Steering Committee must check that the documentation provided, if it contains sensitive and undisclosed data regarding the Mondo Internazionale ____ Association, is used for the purposes intended and not for other purposes.
  4. The Manager assumes full responsibility for carrying out the indicated activities and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale ____ Association in the event of damages deriving from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties.

Chapter 12

Further Dispositions

1. All information, activities, and strategies with which each member comes into contact cannot be disclosed externally and replication is not permitted.

2. The elected positions must respect all the contents present in this Regulation and in the Mondo Internazionale Africa Statute; they are governed by the same Regulation and by the appointments signed at the time of acceptance of the office itself.

3. Each member, upon entering the Association Mondo Internazionale Cameroon, has the duty to respect this Regulation in addition to the Statute of Mondo Internazionale Cameroon.

4. If any Associate wishes to apply the right of withdrawal, he must submit his resignation in written form to the President of the Mondo Internazionale Cameroon Association. These resignations take effect immediately.

If any Associate wishes to resign from the position held, he must formally communicate in written form to the Steering Committee, his resignation with a minimum notice of 30 days from the effective date of the termination of his duties.

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 15 февраля 2020