Voce 285518

Riccardo Giancarlo Umberto Pasquali was born in Milan in 1997. He has always cherished cultures in all its forms and expressions, as well as delving into cross-disciplinarity.

To put his passions to good use, he attended the Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and Entertainment at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, graduating in 2019. He completes his university studies in 2021, achieving a Master's Degree in Methods and Topics in Arts Management, a curriculum featuring a marked international focus.

During his studies, he has developed a strong interest in cultural policies, which is why he took part in various student associations aimed at enhancing Italy's cultural heritage. At the same time, he pursues his great passion for writing by contributing to several publishing projects.

Riccardo is currently an author for the Hypercritic platform and collaborates with a press office working in the design sector. In Mondo Internazionale, with which he shares the ambition of creating a young and international network, he holds the position of Press Relations Specialist.
