Navigating MENA complexities: Saudi Arabia diplomacy in addressing the Palestinian cause

  Articoli (Articles)
  Sara Oldani
  18 March 2024
  3 minutes, 13 seconds

In the intricate web of geopolitics that characterizes the Middle East, few issues are as deeply entrenched and multifaceted as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. At the heart of this conflict lies the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a key regional player whose stance on the issue influenced by a myriad of historical, religious, and strategic factors.

The historical support for Palestine

To understand Saudi Arabia's position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, one must first delve into its historical and religious foundations. The Kingdom's longstanding support for the Palestinian cause is deeply rooted in its Islamic identity, with the custodianship of Islam's holiest sites imbuing it with a sense of responsibility towards the broader Muslim world. This religious imperative, coupled with historical ties to the Palestinian struggle, has shaped Saudi Arabia's unwavering commitment to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. A pivotal moment in Saudi Arabia's diplomatic history came with the introduction of the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002. Spearheaded by the Kingdom, this initiative offered a comprehensive framework for Arab-Israeli peace, predicated on the principle of land-for-peace and the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The Initiative underscored Saudi Arabia's proactive role in seeking a just and lasting resolution to the conflict, positioning it as a key mediator on the international stage.

Despite its historical support for the Palestinian cause, Saudi Arabia faces a myriad of challenges in its efforts to advance the peace process. The shifting dynamics of regional politics, coupled with the intransigence of key stakeholders, have hindered progress towards a viable solution, favoring a status quo.

A new Saudi Arabia: social transformation and Vision 2030

Internally, Saudi Arabia is undergoing a period of generational transition, with the already mentioned Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman emerging as a dominant figure on the global stage. His ambitious Vision 2030 agenda, aimed at modernizing the Kingdom's economy and society, has profound implications for its foreign policy priorities. While older generations within the ruling family may harbor more conservative views, the Crown Prince's pragmatic approach signals a potential shift in Saudi Arabia's stance on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

At the heart of Saudi Arabia's diplomatic calculus lies the pursuit of regional stability and security. As a linchpin of the Arab world, the Kingdom plays a pivotal role in maintaining stability amidst the volatile geopolitics of the Middle East. Its strategic partnerships with key regional players, coupled with its military capabilities, position it as a formidable force for peace and stability in the region. However, navigating the complexities of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires a delicate balancing act, as the Kingdom seeks to reconcile its strategic imperatives with its commitment to the Palestinian cause. Underpinning Saudi Arabia's foreign policy objectives is its ambitious Vision 2030 agenda, which seeks to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on oil. Central to this vision is the Kingdom's aspiration to become a hub for investment and innovation, fostering economic growth and prosperity. However, the escalation of regional conflicts, such as the Gaza war, poses a significant challenge to these aspirations, underscoring the interconnectedness of economic development and regional stability.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia's role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is emblematic of the complexities that define the Middle East's diplomatic landscape. From its historical support for the Palestinian cause to its strategic imperatives for regional stability, the Kingdom's approach reflects a delicate balancing act between competing interests and priorities. As it navigates the ever-changing dynamics of the region, Saudi Arabia's leadership will continue to shape the trajectory of the current conflict in Gaza, with far-reaching implications for the broader geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and beyond.

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Sara Oldani

Sara Oldani, classe 1998, ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Scienze politiche e relazioni internazionali presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, sede di Milano e prosegue i suoi studi magistrali a Roma con il curriculum in sicurezza internazionale. Esperta di Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, ha effettuato diversi soggiorni di studio e lavoro in Turchia, Marocco, Palestina ed Israele. Studiosa della lingua araba, vuole aggiungere al suo arsenale linguistico l'ebraico. In Mondo Internazionale Post è Caporedattrice dell'area di politica internazionale, Framing the World.


Saudi Arabia Palestine Israel Israeli-Palestinian Conflict war Gaza