"Paris, Texas": between visual beauty and emotional depth

  Articoli (Articles)
  Luca Formisano
  18 January 2024
  3 minutes, 34 seconds

Translated by Angela Tagliafierro

Wim Wenders’ last movie, Perfect Days, has been distributed by Lucky Red since January 04th in Italian cinemas. To those who may want to go into depth with the style of this director or to approach his filmography for the first time, I recommend watching a cult dating to the '80s as well as winner of the Golden Palm at Cannes Festival as best film: Paris, Texas. This masterpiece by the German director Wim Wenders left an unforgettable influence on the cinematographic landscape with its breathtaking visual beauty and deep exploration of the human being. This 1984 movie back is still celebrated as a classic movie, able to express universal feelings through its evocative story and its singular visual style.

The film starts with a lonely man, Travis, wonderfully played by Harry Dean Stanton, who wanders through the Texas desert. His aimless trip is stopped when his brother Walt, played by Dean Stockwell, comes and brings him back home. This is the moment "Paris, Texas" starts, a story that develops through Travis’physical and spiritual trip and offers a deep reflection on the human nature and the relationships.

Wenders’ film distinguishes itself for its amazing visual beauty, made possible by the collaboration with the director of photography, Robby Müller. The pictures of the Texas desert are expertly captured, with wide and often empty landscapes, which becomes part of the story itself. Wenders and Müller adopt vast sequence shots and panoramic framings to dive the public into an engaging visual experience. The choice of setting most of the story in open-air and empty places aims to highlight the loneliness and alienation of the characters. The desert becomes a character on its own, a place where the main characters can face their demons. So doing, the beauty of the photography contributes to convoy feelings of wonder and bleakness, offering the perfect setting for Wenders’ story.

Other than the visual aspect, "Paris, Texas" is distinguishable for its appealing soundtrack, curated by the legendary player Ry Cooder. The evocative and melancholic melodies join perfectly with the images, creating a unique atmosphere that inserts into the psyche of the public. The music becomes a crucial narrative feature, emphasizing the feelings of the characters and adding one more layer of depth to the film.

"Paris, Texas" is known for its slow and meditative narrative structure. Wenders takes his time to explore the feelings of the characters, gradually building relationships and developing the main themes of the film. This approach can challenge some viewers who are used to more chaotic rhythms. However, patiently, "Paris, Texas" can disclose its multiple sides, like the complexity of the characters and the depth of the relationships. Travis, a few-words man, hides a painful past, which comes slowly to light during the trip. Its relationship with his son Hunter, played by Hunter Carson, is one of the key points of the film. The connection between father and son becomes a trip of redemption and liberation, touching universal emotional chords.

Moreover, “Paris, Texas” explores wider themes, like the search for identity and belonging in an alienating world. The film faces the human loneliness and the difficulty of communicating and connecting with other people. The representation of these themes, with the auditory and visual mastery, lets “Paris, Texas” go beyond the pure cinematographic entertainment, becoming a masterpiece which keeps arising deep thoughts and an intense discussion.

Concluding, "Paris, Texas" by Wim Wnders is a cinematographic masterpiece that left an unforgettable influence in the history of cinema. Its visual beauty, the depth of the themes, and the mastery of the story make it a timeless work of art. Through Travis’ trip, the film invites us all to explore our own interior journey, offering an intimate vision of the human soul and the search for connection and meaning in life. “Paris, Texas” is still a milestone in cinema, a witness to the power of cinematographic art in capturing the complexity of the human condition.

Mondo Internazionale APS - Riproduction Reserved ® 2024

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Luca Formisano

Appassionato di cinema e letteratura, sono un autore per legge e società




wimwenders Cinema Cultura