WEF 2024: Rebuilding trust in an evolving world

  Articoli (Articles)
  Valentina Ruaro
  22 January 2024
  3 minutes, 55 seconds

This year, the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) took place from January 15 to 19, 2024, with the theme “Rebuilding Trust”, aiming to restore trust in three key areas: the future, within societies, and among nations.

The forum, held annually in the Swiss alpine town of Davos since 1971, serves as a gathering point for the global elite, addressing pressing issues of the time. Founded by Klaus Schwab, a Swiss-German economist and professor, the WEF aims to promote global cooperation on political, social, and economic issues with the goal of improving the state of the world.

Despite its reputation as a meeting place for the privileged top 1% of the world, Davos is also a venue where efforts are made to influence global change. The Forum is known for its impartiality and independence, but it is not without controversy, especially regarding the overlap of political and business interests. However, it has had significant moments in its history, such as the 1988 Davos Declaration that helped prevent a conflict between Greece and Turkey, and the joint international appearance of Nelson Mandela and Frederik de Klerk in 1992, marking a significant step towards the end of apartheid.

This year, the main topics of discussion at Davos revolved around promoting social security and cooperation in the context of the recent geopolitical crisis affecting the Middle East, cybersecurity, the use of artificial intelligence (AI), sustainable development, and the zero-emission goal. Simultaneously, ensuring secure and inclusive access to energy, water, and food, and accelerating the retraining process in an increasingly digital and green-oriented world were highlighted, emphasizing the importance of appropriate regulations and effective governance for these developments.

During theWEF, AI garnered considerable attention, particularly focusing on concerns related to its deployment. Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, addressed these concerns by highlighting that some of them are legitimate, given the potentials and uncertainties associated with this technology. He acknowledged the risk that AI could evolve in unforeseen and potentially problematic ways but also emphasized that precautionary measures can be taken to enhance its safety. Altman also argued that people are beginning to better understand the appropriate applications of tools like ChatGPT and their limitations. Regarding the use of artificial intelligence, Altman emphasized that AI provides explanations in a neutral and accessible language, and the ultimate responsibility for making ethical and right choices remains in the hands of humans. This perspective underscores the importance of a balanced and conscious approach to AI usage, recognizing both its potential and the need for responsible human guidance.

From the World Economic Forum emerges a complex outlook for 2024. This period is characterized by a series of additional geopolitical challenges, including the escalation of tensions in critical areas. In particular, the situation in the Red Sea is a cause for concern, with attacks by Yemen's Houthi rebels threatening to disrupt vital international trade routes. Additionally, discussions have taken place regarding the rise of trade wars with repercussions on the global market.

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, speaking at the closing panel on global economic prospects, argues that for the recently started year, we can expect a continuation of consumption recovery, a return to normal savings from a condition of excessive savings, less rigid labor markets, and a reduction in both nominal and underlying inflation.

Le principali conclusioni sono state quelle di spingere per una riforma della governance globale per diminuire la divisione geopolitica, aumentare la rappresentazione del Sud Globale e promuover una risposta collettiva alle minacce globali più forte.

The recent U.S. elections have been a significant point of discussion at the Forum, with financier David Rubenstein describing them as a 'significant turning point.' Rubenstein emphasized that, in the event of Donald Trump's election, significant international changes could occur. During the closing panel, Christine Lagarde highlighted the importance for the European Union to be prepared for any possible scenario. She emphasized the need for a strong and unified European market, stating that regardless of the outcome of the elections in the United States, it is crucial for Europe to strengthen itself internally and prepare to handle its challenges autonomously.

The main conclusions have been to advocate for a reform of global governance to reduce geopolitical division, increase representation from the Global South, and promote a stronger collective response to global threats.

Mondo Internazionale APS - All Rights Reserved ® 2024

Translated by Stefania Errico

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Valentina Ruaro

Sono laureata in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche presso l'Università di Bologna e attualmente sto frequentando il corso di laurea magistrale in Studi sulla Sicurezza, l'Intelligence e la gli studi strategici, con un percorso accademico che include prestigiose istituzioni come l'Università di Glasgow, l'Università di Trento e l'Università Karlova di Praga.

Nel campo accademico, collaboro come autrice per Mondo Internazionale, affrontando temi fondamentali sul ruolo delle organizzazioni internazionali, con particolare attenzione all’Unione Europea e alla NATO. Inoltre, per coinvolgere un pubblico più ampio, produco anche contenuti su Instagram per MI Post. Attualmente, sto svolgendo un tirocinio presso il NATO Defense College a Roma, dove approfondisco le mie competenze nell'ambito dell'educazione, della sicurezza e della difesa.

Ho maturato esperienza nel settore della ricerca lavorando per l'European Army Interoperability Centre di Bruxelles, concentrandomi sull'interoperabilità degli stati membri e sul ruolo esterno dell’UE.

I miei interessi ruotano attorno alla geopolitica, alla CSDP dell'UE, alla difesa NATO, con un focus geografico sulla regione Euro-Atlantica e il Medio Oriente, in particolare la Siria.

Motivata dall'empatia e da una determinazione incessante per il cambiamento, sono pronta a continuare a plasmare conversazioni e azioni nel campo della sicurezza internazionale e della difesa.


I hold a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs from the University of Bologna, and I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Security, Intelligence, and Strategic Studies. My academic journey includes esteemed institutions such as the University of Glasgow, the University of Trento, and Charles University in Prague.

Within the academic realm, I collaborate as an author for Mondo Internazionale, addressing pivotal topics concerning the roles of international organisations, particularly focusing on the European Union and NATO. Additionally, I engage a broader audience by creating content on Instagram for MI Post. I am currently interning at the NATO Defense College in Rome, further honing my skills in the education, security, and defence sectors.

I have gained research experience while working at the European Army Interoperability Centre in Brussels, where I focused on member states' interoperability and the EU's external role.

My interests revolve around geopolitics, EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), and NATO defence, with a geographical focus on the Euro-Atlantic region and the Middle East, specifically Syria.

Driven by empathy and an unwavering determination for positive change, I am prepared to continue shaping discussions and actions in the field of international security and defence.


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