Code of Ethics


Article 1


  1. This Code, in compliance with the other provisions contained in the Statute and in the Regulation of the Association, aims at standardizing the conduct of the Associate Members and of the Staff of the Association, in the application of the values and principles expressed in the Association's Statute.
  2. The ideals of the Association Mondo Internazionale are manifested all over the world not only in the tangible effects of its work in different contexts, but also in ways that influence people's mindsets and hearts. Mondo Internazionale must be perceived as a public good to be relied upon, available to all, in any part of the world, to prevent conflicts and facilitate intercultural exchange without division. All this is said and applied by being inspired by values of inclusiveness, independence, impartiality and universality. These principles are based on common values, related to the people, integrity, partnership, diversity, leadership and innovation that guide the work of Mondo Internazionale.
  3. The emblems of Mondo Internazionale represent its nature of a wide and respectable network, characterized by the daily work of hundreds of people.
  4. The Associate Members and the Staff of Mondo Internazionale promote, without interruption of cause, the dignity of people in every place and act in accordance with the principles and values of the Association also indicated in this Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics represents a code of conduct to which everyone who is a member of the Association and operates within it or on its behalf is obliged to abide and comply with.
  5. Any action taken under the name of the Association cannot fail to respond positively to the following questions:
    a. Is this an action in accordance with the principles, values and Code of Ethics of Mondo Internazionale?
    b. Is this action in accordance with the internal policies, procedures and guidelines?
    c. Is this an action that defines positively, or at least not negatively, Mondo Internazionale and the one who performs it?
    d. Is there an alternative action that may be taken in order to answer "yes" to each of these questions?
  6. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to implement a system of actions aimed at guaranteeing procedures and conduct with the intent to prevent illegal or illicit activities and to improve efficiency, effectiveness, transparency of administrative action and the quality of regulation, meeting the needs of the community as well as informing it of the conduct it can expect from the persons indicated in Art. 2.

Article 2


  1. The principles and provisions contained in this Code of Ethics apply to the Associates, the Presidents, the members of the Steering Committees, the Directors, the Managers, the staff, the collaborators, the consultants and anyone working on behalf of Mondo Internazionale.
  2. The Presidents and the members of the Steering Committees shall be inspired by the principles of this Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties; the Secretary General and the Directors shall be inspired by the principles of this Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties and in implementing the guidelines of the bodies; and the Associates, the staff, the collaborators and all those working on behalf of Mondo Internazionale shall adapt their conduct to the provisions foreseen in the Code of Ethics.
  3. Relations between Mondo Internazionale and its Members or staff are governed by the Statute’s provisions, internal regulations, National Collective Labor Agreements and the Association's own regulations, in accordance with the legal requirements.


Article 3


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 inspire their behavior to the principles and values of Mondo Internazionale and to the principles of honesty and fairness, legality, impartiality and equal treatment, transparency and complete information, proportionality, absence of abuse of power, correct use of assets, as well as prevention of conflict of interest and fight against corruption.

Article 4


  1. Honesty is the principle of reference for all the activities of Mondo Internazionale and constitutes an indispensable element of its actions.
  2. The conduct of the persons indicated in Art. 2 shall be based on the principles of fairness, cooperation, loyalty and mutual respect.

Article 5


  1. The legal framework, within which the persons indicated in Art. 2 operate, is constituted by the Statutes and Regulations of Mondo Internazionale and Mondo Internazionale (Nation), as well as by the national legislation in force.
  2. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall act in compliance with the rules and procedures laid down in current legislation, ensuring that any decision affecting the community complies with the law and the public interest.

Article 6


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall:
    a. ensure that the principle of equal treatment is respected, or, in the event of unequal treatment (i.e. in the case of treatment and protection offered by existing legislation to the most vulnerable, such as children and women, or where specific certified skills or physical fitness, such as a medical certificate, are required in order to perform specific services), that it is justified by objective aspects relevant to the specific case;
    b. avoid any unjustified discrimination between persons based on nationality, gender, ethnicity, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, or any similar criteria, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Article 7


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall:
    a. take initiatives and decisions in the utmost transparency without favoring any group or individual interest and avoid creating or benefiting from privileged situations;
    b. strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, clarity and completeness of information both outside and within Mondo Internazionale, with easy communication and correct understanding.

Article 8


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall, in accordance with the principle of impartiality, ensure that the resources and the needs are proportionate to the pursued objective.

Article 9


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall exercise their powers only in the light of the provisions in force to protect the public interest and Mondo Internazionale.

Article 10


  1. The documents, working tools, computer workstations, IT services, fixed and mobile telephone equipment, vehicles and other tangible and intangible assets of Mondo Internazionale shall:
    a. be used exclusively and instrumentally for the realisation of institutional purposes and in the manner set by the Association;
    b. neither be used for personal purposes, nor be transferred or made available to third parties, without prejudice to the application of specific regulatory provisions;
    c. be used and kept with the same diligence as their own property;
    d. be used in accordance with the criteria of economic and environmental sustainability.

Article 11


  1. The persons indicated in Art. 2 shall pursue only the interests and purposes of Mondo Internazionale and, in particular, shall strive to prevent situations of conflict of interest, refraining in any case from participating in activities or decisions that lead to conflictual situations, namely in the presence of obvious reasons of opportunity.
  2. Mondo Internazionale, in accordance with the principles of honesty and transparency, is committed to implementing the necessary measures to prevent and avoid corruption or conflicts of interest.
  3. The members of the Steering Committees shall work to the best of their ability to ensure that their functions do not give rise to conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest, the member of the Steering Committee is required to abstain from taking part in decision-making processes, and the conflict shall be resolved in the sole interest of Mondo Internazionale.


Article 12


  1. The Association Mondo Internazionale shall:
    a. Keep people and their value as unique individuals at the center of its activities;
    b. Encourage the spirit of volunteerism;
    c. Stimulate young people, bearing in mind that, at present, half the population of the globe is under 21 years of age;
    d. Promote innovation and creativity, enhancing each member's spirit of initiative;
    e. Make the members of Mondo Internazionale feel that they are part of a community, guaranteeing their integration into the life of the Association;
    f. Seek excellence in its work, ensuring integrated, transparent and shared leadership;
    g. Insist on the importance of the collaboration with others in the performance of the various tasks;
    h. Ensure the orientation of the new Associates and make the necessary arrangements for their training, so that they can carry out the tasks assigned to them in an appropriate and professional manner;
    i. Identify the needs, find the necessary answers and develop programs in which Members can participate and share the objectives;
    j. Guarantee the integration of the members of Mondo Internazionale in the Associative life;
    k. Guarantee the Associates’ constant communication and periodic updating on the activities and decisions of the representative bodies;
    l. Research and include Associates and employees regardless of ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, political opinion and language or any similar criteria;
    m. Provide members of Mondo Internazionale with the necessary documentation to be regularly updated on matters concerning the Association, both nationally and internationally;
    n. Deliver to the Associates and the staff the text of this Code.

Article 13


  1. The relations between the Association and its Members or staff are governed by the provisions of Mondo Internazionale’s Statute, its regulations as well as this Code:
    a. Tasks: each Associate of Mondo Internazionale has the right to be in charge of tasks and responsibilities that correspond to his or her character and preparation;
    b. Equality: each Associate of Mondo Internazionale has the right to be equally treated in all circumstances, regardless of his or her gender, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, political, philosophical or religious beliefs;
    c. Protection: each Associate of Mondo Internazionale has the right to be protected by the Association against any interference or aggression of which he or she is a victim because of his/her function. The Association has the duty to publicly take the defense of the Associate or staff member who has been the victim of serious unfounded accusations, in order to restore his/her good name and reputation. In case of professional or personal difficulties that have an influence on his or her commitment, the member of Mondo Internazionale can appeal through hierarchical channels to find appropriate solutions;
    d. Freedom of expression: freedom of expression is a fundamental right of the Associates of Mondo Internazionale. Even constructive criticism, in fact, transmitted through the appropriate internal channels, contributes to the internal dynamism and growth of the Association. With regard to declarations outside the Association, please refer to the provisions contained in the following articles of this Code. In any case, the right to information and criticism remains guaranteed, subject to the explicit limit of morality and those codified by the doctrine and jurisprudence on implicit principles derived from the Constitution;
    e. Right to privacy: the processing of personal data, news and sources that fall within the sphere of privacy of each individual, Associate or staff member, is protected by law. It is the duty of all Associates to keep news and information concerning personal data learned in the exercise of their activities confidential. It is the right of all Associates to claim respect for the right to privacy, the right to personal identity and the dignity of those concerned, falling within the sphere of the protection of constitutionally guaranteed personal freedoms;
    f. Equal treatment: each Associate of Mondo Internazionale has the right and duty to guarantee impartiality and independence in the exercise of the tasks and functions entrusted to him/her, also in order to ensure the full implementation of the principle of equal treatment of citizens;
    g. Good faith: each Associate of Mondo Internazionale is guaranteed the freedom to run for elected office. This freedom must be achieved in the absence of any conflict of interest between one's own activities and those required by the Association, if one comes to hold elected positions within the same.

Article 14


  1. The Members of Mondo Internazionale shall:
    a. Acknowledge and observe the Code of Ethics of the Association, the Statute of Association and the main regulations governing the Association and the activities of its Members;
    b. Act according to the principles and values of Mondo Internazionale and promote their diffusion, sharing Mondo Internazionale's policy of volunteering;
    c. Respect the rules concerning the use of the emblem and prevent any misuse;
    d. Be aware that, working for Mondo Internazionale, they represent the Association and its ideals;
    e. Not harm the public image of the Association in any way, including the use of Social Networks and web platforms;
    f. Constantly pay attention to people's needs, even when you are not on active duty or not acting officially;
    g. Carry out his/her mission without discrimination on grounds of nationality, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political opinions or the philosophical or religious beliefs of the users or beneficiaries of the services provided;
    h. Respect the desire for discretion of those who are helped;
    i. Establish positive working relationships with other volunteers or colleagues, becoming aware of the importance of interaction;
    j. Respond to the needs of others with maturity, sympathy and professionalism;
    k. Serve people in accordance with the means and resources available, showing openness and perseverance in their action.

Article 15


  1. The Members of Mondo Internazionale, and especially those who hold an office, or those who have been elected or appointed to a high-level political position in the public administration or a political party, are required to act in accordance with the following provisions:
    a. Loyalty: the members of Mondo Internazionale are bound to the Association by the spirit and feelings of loyalty. They act according to the principles and values of Mondo Internazionale and promote their dissemination;
    b. Impartiality: in the performance of their duties, the members of Mondo Internazionale are honest, impartial and fair and shall avoid any arbitrary behavior that could harm any person, group or entity. In all circumstances, the behavior of the members of Mondo Internazionale shall meet the legitimate needs of the individuals without preferential treatment or discrimination of any kind with regard to their nationality, ethnicity, language, gender, political, philosophical or religious beliefs;
    c. Independence: the activities of the members of Mondo Internazionale are based on the principles and values of Mondo Internazionale and one the ethical rules envisaged in this Code. Their conduct shall neither be influenced by external factors, including political factors, nor altered by personal interests;
    d. Responsibility: the members of Mondo Internazionale, aware of the importance of their own tasks and the related responsibilities, behave in such a way as to win and maintain the trust of the communities in the Association, offering the best possible service with respect for the individual and constantly paying attention to the people's needs;
    e. Competence and effectiveness: the members of Mondo Internazionale shall act on the basis of their skills and knowledge in order to perform the tasks entrusted to them in the best possible way and with rigor, and shall effectively and carefully apply the procedures established by the Association. They respond to the needs of others with maturity, sympathy and professionalism;
    f. Responsibility for resources: Mondo Internazionale shall use the available resources according to the criteria of economic and environmental sustainability;
    g. Respect for the emblem: the members of Mondo Internazionale act in compliance with the rules concerning the use of the emblem and prevent any abuse;
    h. Conflict of interest: the members of Mondo Internazionale shall avoid conflict of interest in the exercise of the assigned functions and act in the best interests of Mondo Internazionale, placing such interests above any other individual and/or entity, including those of family members or persons close to them. A conflict of interest arises from a situation where private or personal interest is likely to influence the impartial and objective exercise of institutional functions. The private or personal interest of the members of Mondo Internazionale include any advantage in favour of themselves or third parties connected to them;
    i. Economic interests: the members of Mondo Internazionale cannot maintain or acquire, directly or indirectly, other than what is provided for, interests of an economic nature or of such importance that are likely to compromise their independence in the exercise of their functions;
    j. Gifts: special caution is recommended to the members of Mondo Internazionale when gifts are offered to them for the performance of their activities. As a general rule, the persons concerned will discourage the offer of any gift that is not of modest value or appropriate to the context;
    k. Publications and conferences: it is forbidden for a member of Mondo Internazionale, without proper authorisation, to give interviews to third parties, to organise press conferences or to publish texts or articles relating to the activities or matters falling within the tasks and institutional aims of Mondo Internazionale. The Presidents of the Committees, at the various territorial levels, are the exclusive bodies entitled to manage relations with the press or communication organs of any kind, according to the criterion of competence determined by the local, regional or national dimension of the subject of the communication, or by the specific competence attributed by the Statute or the Regulations to the various representative bodies of Mondo Internazionale. The requests of bodies or entities for the elaboration of statistical, historical, sociological and scientific data concerning the Association are regulated by the same criterion. All the documents produced by the Association are confidential. Access to the documents is governed by the Statute and the Regulation of the Association. The purpose of this provision is to safeguard the homogeneity of information concerning the Association before public opinion and institutional partners. The assignment of clear responsibilities to the Presidents/Secretaries and Directors, as representatives of the Association on the territory, aims at safeguarding the image, unity and integrity of the Association's work, strategies and policies, by attracting those responsible for the Association to the outside world. This provision is not intended to limit in any way the spaces of the normal participatory and democratic life of the Associates, as provided for in the Statute of Association and the Regulations. With particular reference to the staff, the Code should be read in accordance with trade union rights;
    l. Confidentiality: availability and transparency do not exempt the member of Mondo Internazionale from the duty of discretion and confidentiality. The members of Mondo Internazionale cannot transfer, in any form, to an unqualified person, documents or information of which they become aware in the course of their duties and cannot in any way make them public. Strict compliance with the rules on access to and dissemination of information constitutes a firm obligation and any failure to do so will be liable to disciplinary measures and – if the circumstances so require – to criminal prosecution. The duty of discretion and confidentiality is not to be understood in absolute terms, but with reference to the functions and activities carried out in service.
    m. Complaints and reports: in the conduct of their functions, the members of Mondo Internazionale are obliged to inform through internal channels any irregularity they have observed. It is also essential to refrain from making any defamatory statements addressed to the Association, thus giving priority to internal hierarchical ways for any type of report and sectarian comments or complaints. The person concerned has a duty to ensure the accuracy and relevance of his or her statements. This provision is intended to encourage the internal transfer of information with a view of protecting the dignity of the Association, with particular reference to the respect for internal discipline, as well as of favouring a replacement of internal organs of ordinary justice. The provision does not intend to review any conduct potentially falling within the scope of criminal, administrative and accounting liability, the reporting of which is not discretionary but rather mandatory, or the right to take legal action for the protection of one's rights and legitimate interests, as enshrined in Art. 24 of the Constitution. Abstention from defamatory statements is aimed at protecting the image of Mondo Internazionale.
  2. In any case of and in order to protect the integrity of the Association, the members of the Steering Committees are obliged to act solely in the interest of Mondo Internazionale and, in case of conflict of interest, shall refrain from taking part in the decision making of the National Society.

Article 16


  1. The Association considers the work ethic not only as a set of rules, but also as a way of interpreting one's professional role in society.
  2. Moral coherence and respect for the values of the person inside and outside the Association, as well as the absolute compliance with current labor regulations, constitute an investment to the benefit of the Association's development and service to the most vulnerable persons and to the long-term planning of activities.
  3. The Association promotes the synergic relationship and mutual respect between Associates and the staff. Similarly, it adopts criteria to differentiate the contribution of both, equally valuable but different in nature and discipline. The Committees, at every level, take care to acknowledge the Members of the list of those who have a paid position and/or receive compensation, including all those who have:
    a. A subordinate, indefinite or fixed-term employment contracts;
    b. An administrative, a coordinated and ongoing collaboration, a counselling or likewise employment contracts;
    c. Accessory contracts.


Article 17


  1. The following disciplinary measures may be applied to the Associates of Mondo Internazionale on the basis of the seriousness of the violations and/or transgressions committed in their service, as well as of the violations of the Association’s Statute, Regulations and Code of Ethics:
    a. Verbal warning;
    b. Written warning;
    c. Temporary suspension for a maximum period of six months;
    d. Expulsion.
  2. The verbal warning is a verbal statement of blame, in the face of minor transgressions. It's not noted in the Associate's personal file.
  3. The President is responsible for the verbal warning and shall mention it during the first useful meeting of the Steering Committee.
  4. A written warning is a formalized written reprimand adopted in case of repeated minor transgressions and/or in the case of more serious transgressions, implying a formal invitation to the person concerned to defend himself/herself within twenty days. Whether a written warning is adopted against an Associate, it shall be included in his/her personal file. Whenever a written warning proceeding begins, it shall be notified to the interested Associate of Mondo Internazionale by means of a personal communication which shall indicate the subject of the proceeding as well as the office and the person responsible for it, the date by which it is to be concluded, the office where the documents may be inspected, the possibility of submitting counter-arguments and of being personally heard. The person responsible for the proceeding is the President, a member of the Steering Committee or the Director of an office of the Secretariat. In any event, proceedings cannot be initiated if more than three months have elapsed since knowledge of the fact occurred.
  5. The written warning falls within the competence of the Steering Committee of Mondo Internazionale.
  6. An appeal against the written warning may be lodged to the President within thirty days of the receipt of the order. The Board of Arbitrators shall decide upon it without any possibility of derogation and with the obligation to give reasons for it within ninety days, and shall ensure that the parties will be heard. After ninety days, in the absence of an express decision, the appeal shall be deemed to be granted.
  7. The suspension, for a maximum period of six months, shall be imposed:
    a. For gross negligence in the line of duty;
    b. For misconduct or disparagement towards the governing bodies, the public, other Associates and the staff of Mondo Internazionale;
    c. For behaviour not in accordance with the decorum of the functions;
    d. For breach of professional secrecy;
    e. For behaviour that produces interruption or disturbance in the regularity or continuity of service;
    f. For the misuse or abuse of statutory offices;
    g. For unauthorised use of vehicles or other tools and equipment of Mondo Internazionale.
  8. The suspension may not be imposed without adequate justification and without the Member having been notified in advance of his/her infringement with a formal invitation to the Member to defend himself/herself within twenty days. Whenever a suspension proceeding begins, it shall be notified to the interested Associate of Mondo Internazionale by means of a personal communication which shall indicate the subject of the proceeding as well as the office and the person responsible for it, the date by which it is to be concluded, the office where the documents may be inspected, the possibility of submitting counter-arguments and of being personally heard. The person responsible for the proceeding is the President, a member of the Steering Committee or the Director of an office of the Secretariat. In any event, proceedings cannot be initiated if more than three months have elapsed since knowledge of the fact occurred.
  9. The suspension shall be decided by the Steering Committee with the favorable vote of at least four of its members. The Steering Committee shall decide, after hearing the parties and analyzing the pleadings and documents, within 60 days of receipt of the proposal to apply the disciplinary measure. Once this deadline has passed without the Appellate Body having given its opinion, the proposal shall be deemed to be rejected.
  10. An appeal against the suspension may be lodged to the Board of Arbitrators within thirty days of the receipt of the order. The Board of Arbitrators, which has full knowledge of the dispute, shall decide upon it in an unquestionable and reasoned manner within ninety days, and shall ensure that the parties will be heard. After ninety days, in the absence of an express decision, the appeal shall be deemed to be granted.
  11. The Board of Arbitrators shall decide upon the appeal at the state of the proceedings and without further investigation, within ninety days of its receipt. In the event of annulment, the acts are referred back to the Steering Committee, which has previously adopted the measure, for reconsideration, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  12. Radiation shall be imposed in the event of:
    a. Cases already envisaging suspension that reach a particularly serious level or which have been reiterated;
    b. Acts that reveal a lack of honour or moral sense;
    c. Misuse or misappropriation of funds belonging to the association;
    d. Requesting or accepting fees for rendered services;
    e. Serious acts of insubordination.
  13. The expulsion cannot be issued without adequate justification and without the violation having been previously challenged to the Associate of Mondo Internazionale with a formal invitation to defend himself/herself within twenty days. Whenever the expulsion proceeding begins, it shall be notified to the interested Associate of Mondo Internazionale by means of a personal communication which shall indicate the subject of the proceeding as well as the office and the person responsible for it, the date by which it is to be concluded, the office where the documents may be inspected, the possibility of submitting counter-arguments and of being personally heard. The person responsible for the proceeding is the President, a member of the Steering Committee or the Director of an office of the Secretariat. In any event, proceedings cannot be initiated if more than three months have elapsed since knowledge of the fact occurred.
  14. The expulsion shall be decided by the Steering Committee with the favorable vote of at least four of its members. The Steering Committee shall decide, after hearing the parties and analyzing the pleadings and documents, within 60 days of receipt of the proposal to apply the disciplinary measure. Once this deadline has passed without the Appellate Body having given its opinion, the proposal shall be deemed to be rejected.
  15. An appeal against the suspension may be lodged to the Board of Arbitrators within thirty days of the receipt of the order. The Board of Arbitrators, which has full knowledge of the dispute, shall decide upon it in an unquestionable and reasoned manner within ninety days, and shall ensure that the parties will be heard. After ninety days, in the absence of an express decision, the appeal shall be deemed to be granted.
  16. The appeal must be filed under penalty of forfeiture within twenty days from the notification of the decision of the Board of Arbitrators. The Board of Arbitrators shall decide upon the appeal at the state of the proceedings and without further investigation, within ninety days of its receipt. In the event of annulment, the acts are referred back to the Steering Committee, which has previously adopted the measure, for reconsideration, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  17. In cases of particular seriousness and while awaiting the definitive disciplinary measure of expulsion, the Associate may be suspended from his/her service by reasoned order of the President of Mondo Internazionale.
  18. For the purposes of these Rules, the disciplinary measure shall be final on the day the appeal is rejected or, if the appeal is not lodged, on the last day on which it could have been lodged.
  19. The Members of Mondo Internazionale who has been expelled may, with a motivated request, ask the President to readmit him/her to Mondo Internazionale five years after the expulsion.

Article 18


  1. The Associate may be cautiously suspended from his/her service if he/she is subject to criminal proceedings for offences against persons, property or the administration of justice, as well as for organized crime offences or crimes against the public administration.
  2. The precautionary suspension shall be deliberated by the Steering Committee after informing the interested person of the initiation of the procedure, and shall indicate the reasons that stand at the basis of this precautionary measure, including those of urgency.
  3. The precautionary suspension shall remain effective for a period not exceeding five years. Upon the expiry of this term, the Associate shall be reinstated in service. Any disciplinary proceedings shall remain suspended, subject to time limits, until the outcome of the criminal proceedings.
  4. The Associate who is affected by a measure restricting personal freedom is suspended ex officio. The Board of Directors may extend the period of suspension until the sentence has been served out, even if the state of restriction of freedom has ceased.
  5. An appeal against the precautionary suspension may be lodge to the Board of Arbitrators, by means of a written document, within fifteen days of the receipt of the measure. The Board of Arbitrators shall make a final and reasoned decision within thirty days, ensuring that the parties are heard. If no express decision has been taken within 30 days, the appeal shall be deemed to have been granted.
  6. The appeal must be filed under penalty of forfeiture within twenty days from notification of the decision of the Board of Arbitrators.


Article 19


  1. Violations of this Code of Ethics damage the relationship of trust established between the persons indicated in Art. 2 and Mondo Internazionale as well as the proper performance of the Associates’ obligations, and may result in the emergence of liability or in the application of sanctions provided for by laws, regulations and contracts, without prejudice to the possibility of Mondo Internazionale, whose interest is affected by the violation, to take action for compensation for any damages suffered.
  2. The set of rules of this Code and its annexes constitute a set of obligations that the member of Mondo Internazionale must accept with awareness and precision. Failure to comply with these rules and conducts that do not comply with the rules and duties that violate the regulations entails the adoption of sanctions commensurate with the seriousness of the violation, according to the procedures indicated in the relevant regulations.

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 15 June 2021