NonProfitDay - 22 ottobre 2019

Mondo Internazionale media partner dell'evento

  Michele Pavan
  20 September 2019
  1 minute, 53 seconds

A free event, dedicated to all non-profit professionals willing to imagine a new future for the Third Sector. Mondo Internazionale participates in the event as a media partners, thanks to the collaboration between Mondo Internazionale and Epic, in charge for shooting the event. 10 members of Mondo Internazionale will attend the event.

On October 22, 2019, in the prestigious headquarters of Il Sole 24 Ore, in Milan, the Non Profit meets in the NonProfitDay. A free event, dedicated to all non-profit professionals willing to imagine a new future for the Third Sector. Registration is officially open on the website, but places are limited to only 500. 

The event is organized by Associazione Festival del Fundraising, in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore. This synergy was possible because of the common vision on the future of the Third Sector: to innovate the nonprofit means to look for new solutions, new technologies, but not only. It means to change our minds, to innovate our thinking. It is the courage to change our mentality. 

Courage, innovation, freedom. These are the key words of the new event dedicated to the Third Sector. You cannot miss it… #vivailnonprofit.

The event is addressed to all non profit professionals, including administration board staff, communication office, field operators, volunteers, fundraisers of micro, small and big organizations. The event is open also to participants who want to understand if and how to start a career in the no profit sector, namely university students. The only requirement for participating is to gave a free, curios and open mind, in order to imagine a new future for the Third Sector. 

There will be insights and interviews on work, communication, management and digital. Outstanding speakers will liven up the event, inclusing Prof. Stefano Zamagni, economics and Professor at University of Milan, Mr. Valerio Melandri, founder of Festival del Fundraising and director of the Master in Fundraising, and Mr.Luca LaMesa, an influent social media manager in Italy. 

Date and location: 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 

09:00 – 16:30

Il Sole 24 Ore

Via Monterosa 91, Milano

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Michele Pavan


Michele Pavan è fondatore e CEO di MInter Group S.r.l., fondatore e Presidente di Mondo Internazionale APS ETS e Membro del Comitato Tecnico e Scientifico del CESMA - Centro di Studi Militari Aeronautici "Giulio Douhet" con focus sulle Military Policy, in particolare con l'utilizzo di tecnologie satellitari e droni. Inoltre, si occupa di analisi geostrategiche e di intelligence per Istituzioni ed Organizzazioni Internazionali, in Italia e all’estero, in qualità di Intelligence & Security Advisor. Attualmente è Docente e Coordinatore Scientifico presso la LUM School of Management di Milano per alcuni master sulla diplomazia, sulle carriere europee e sulla geopolitica.

Si laurea in Relazioni Internazionali – Diplomazia ed Organizzazioni Internazionali presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, specializzandosi nella prevenzione delle crisi e analisi di politica estera, in particolare dell'Africa Sub-Sahariana e dell'area MENA - Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Si è soffermato sullo studio sperimentale dei fattori di prevenzione, distinti in statici e dinamici, che indicano l'evoluzione di un contesto di crisi, determinandone il rischio e le diverse variabili. Successivamente, consegue il diploma di master executive presso la SIOI – Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale in Sicurezza Economica, Geopolitica e di Intelligence.

Ha studiato per sei mesi presso l'Associazione Europea di Studi Internazionali - AESI di Roma dove, successivamente, ha ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore per le Relazioni Internazionali e le Attività Nazionali. Ha organizzato e partecipato a diversi incontri in merito alla prevenzione delle crisi presso le sedi delle Nazioni Unite a New York e Ginevra, al Pentagono, al Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti d’America, alla Rappresentanza Permanente d'Italia presso le Nazioni Unite e l'Unione Europea, all'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d'America in Italia, all'Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede, all'Ambasciata d'Italia presso gli Stati Uniti d'America, al Consolato italiano a St. Pietroburgo, alla Nunziatura Apostolica negli Stati Uniti, presso l'Unione Europea, al CASD, all'Istituto Diplomatico Villa Madama, alla Santa Sede, a Palazzo San Macuto, alla Commissione Europea, al Parlamento Europeo, al Comando JFC della NATO, all'Università MGIMO, alla Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, all'American University e alla George Washington University.


Michele Pavan is founder and CEO of MInter Group S.r.l., founder and President of Mondo Internazionale APS ETS and Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of CESMA - Centro di Studi Militari Aeronautici "Giulio Douhet" with focus on Military Policy, with the use of satellite technologies and drones. He also is an Intelligence & Security Advisor and works on geostrategic and intelligence analysis for National and International Institutions. He is currently Lecturer and Scientific Coordinator at the LUM School of Management in Milan for several masters on diplomacy, European careers and geopolitics.

He graduated in International Relations - Diplomacy and International Organisations at the University of Milan, specialising in crisis prevention and foreign policy analysis, particularly of Sub-Saharan Africa and the MENA area - Middle East and North Africa. He focused on the experimental study of prevention factors, distinguished in static and dynamic, which indicate the evolution of a crisis context, determining its risk and the different variables. Subsequently, he obtained an executive master's degree from SIOI - Italian Society for International Organisation in Economic, Geopolitical and Intelligence Security.

He studied for six months at the European Association of International Studies - AESI in Rome where he subsequently held the position of Director for International Relations and National Activities. She has organised and participated in a number of meetings on crisis prevention at the United Nations headquarters in New York and Geneva, the Pentagon, the United States Department of State, the Permanent Representation of Italy to the United Nations and the European Union, the Embassy of the United States of America in Italy, the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See, the Embassy of Italy to the United States of America, the Italian Consulate in St. Petersburg, the Nunciature in St. Petersburg, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Petersburg, at the Apostolic Nunciature in the United States, at the European Union, at the CASD, at the Diplomatic Institute Villa Madama, at the Holy See, at Palazzo San Macuto, at the European Commission, at the European Parliament, at the NATO JFC Command, at MGIMO University, at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, at the American University and at George Washington University.



Noprofit innovation freedom