
The Constituent Fathers wrote the Constitution with the future of Italy at heart. Ri-Costituente collects this heritage by putting young people at the center and enhancing their contribution in imagining the 2050 Constitution and involving them in the drafting of its articles. The project aims at activating and promoting paths of active youth participation by organizing writing workshops involving schools, associations, and youth groups in different places in Italy.

The Ri-Costituente Festival starts, first of all, from the enhancement of a territory that has expressed central figures for democracy and the republican Constitution: the Municipality of Cartosio (AL), the Municipality of Rivalta Bormida (AL), and the Municipality of Stella (SV). Three Municipalities are closely linked to three extraordinary, unique personalities, respectively: Umberto Terracini, Norberto Bobbio, and Sandro Pertini.

Together with Mondo Internazionale, the project involves a large network, both locally and nationally, to promote the project initiative and includes: Local Bodies, National Associations, Third Sector Organizations, National Youth Associations and Territorial Partners.