Alice Rambaldi

Alice Rambaldi was born in Ferrara in 1997.
She obtained a bachelor's degree in Languages for International Relations and a master's degree in International Relations at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 2023, concluding with a dissertation entitled: "The fight against human trafficking under international law and the
European Union. The case of the Sahel." Always passionate about environmental, political and human rights issues, during her studies Alice
had the opportunity to do a selective curricular internship at the NATO military command in Solbiate Olona, in which she honed her writing and research skills. Following the completion of her master's degree, Alice had the opportunity to join a Milan-based consulting firm based on the promotion of sustainable business models, in which she worked supporting the company's clients in European Commission-funded projects, with writing, research, and supporting the organization of international workshops.

Since March 2024, Alice has been part of Mondo Internazionale as a Junior Researcher in the politics section of G.E.O
