Angela Diletta Rodolico
Angela Diletta Rodolico has been passionate about foreign languages since childhood, learning English, French and Spanish. Subsequently she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Languages and Cultures at the University "L'Orientale" of Naples in English and Chinese; during her academic career she travels to China to enrich her linguistic knowledge and approach Asian culture for the first time, moreover she carries out a 6-month study period at the University of Helsinki, Finland, thanks to the Erasmus+ program and the strong curiosity to discover a new country.
In 2020 she moved to Turin to begin the master's degree course in International Sciences - China and Global studies with a double degree program in partnership with Tongji University in Shanghai, deepening the economic and political aspects of the international system and becoming passionate about international trade and human rights. In March 2023 she has achieved the master's degree and her curiosity to explore the world continues to grow.
In Mondo Internazionale Angela is Assistant for the External Affairs and International Activities.