Gabriele Silini

Gabriele Silini graduated with distinction from a Master´s Degree in International Relations at the University Ca´ Foscari in Venice.  After living in different European Countries, he moved to Klagenfurt, Austria, where he specialised at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in European Law and European Economic Law.

Gabriele participated in a traineeship at the Italian Embassy in Berlin, Germany, thanks to a project with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For the Embassy, Gabriele cooperated in drafting press reviews and research regarding European Policies, with particular attention on the bilateral relations between Italy and Germany.

Gabriele also represented the Republic of Guatemala during the National Model United Nations 2022 in New York City, being the Head Delegate in the Commission for Social Development (CSocD).

After the experience in New York, he moved to Barcelona, Spain, being the supervisor in the Digital Marketing department, where he carried out market analysis and marketing strategies for his clients.

Gabriele currently lives and works in Vienna, Austria, a city extremely active in the international relations agenda, having the chance to analyse the role of Austria within the European Union and in the world.

Gabriele is a Senior Researcher in the Politics area of Mondo Internazionale G.E.O.
