Iakov Nicoletti

Iakov Nicoletti is 23 years old and was born in Bologna to an Ukrainian mother and Italian father, but he grew up in Cesena. He holds a bachelor's degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Bologna and is currently completing a master's degree in International Relations at La Sapienza University in Rome.

Iakov is passionate about geopolitics, international politics, security, and international relations. His primary focus is on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet space, where he studies regional dynamics, political and economic challenges, and integration processes.

With a remarkable linguistic proficiency, Iakov speaks English, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Russian. This multilingual ability enables him to communicate and interact easily in various international contexts.

Armed with a strong academic background and an in-depth understanding of regional dynamics, Iakov is determined to contribute to the academic and professional discourse in the field of international relations, with the aim of comprehending the fragile geopolitical dynamics in Eastern Europe and the broader ex-Soviet region.

In Mondo Internazionale G.E.O. Iakov is a Junior Researcher for the Defense and Security area.
