Luigi Ferrieri Caputi

Luigi Ferrieri Caputi is 23 years old and he's a Master's student in International Relations and European Studies in Florence. He previously studied in France, in Lille and Grenoble, at ESPOL and SciencesPo respectively. During his studies Luigi had the opportunity to deepen, through summer schools and additional courses, the topics related to climate change and energy policies at IAI and in collaboration with the University of Maastricht. During his master's studies,he was also able to take specific courses from the Jean Monnet programme on energy policies. He did my three-year degree in Political Science and International Relations, also in Florence, with a thesis on the Impact of climate change on the international system. Also during his three-year degree, he did an internship at the US Consulate in Florence and had the opportunity to go to COP26 as a press correspondent for an Italian newspaper. In Florence, he has been a volunteer with the Italian Red Cross for more than two and a half years. Currently, he is in Brussels where he's doing an internship - again in the field of climate and environmental policy. 
