Matilde Pierattini

Matilde Pierattini has a bachelor's degree in Languages, markets and cultures of East Asia from Bologna University and graduated in Comparative international relations at Ca’ Foscari University. She lived in South Africa for an internship at the Italian-South African Chamber of Commerce. This experience taught her a lot about a country and a continent she didn’t know anything about before leaving Italy, therfore increasing her passion for cultural differences, history and cooperation between countries. 

Her experiences abroad and her studies made her particularly interested in the evolution of the international community. Right before writing her final thesis on China-Africa relations, she discovered the world of environmental politics. Hence, she decided to analyse environmental topics, especially renewable energy.

Within Mondo Internazionale, Matilde is a Head Researcher in the Environment area of the GE.O. division and she is particularly proud to be part of it, collaborating with young and passionate people like her.
