Translated by Benedetta Morandini
Summer, the holiday season. After a tough year of study and work, we all need it. Relaxing and regenerating are the only things we care about, in view of the new beginnings in September which will inevitably bring about new duties and challenges.
After all, summer is a somewhat magical season, it’s the moment dedicated to friendship and socialization. We love spending time outdoors, having fun and feeling good all together.
However, the problems of the world last, they don’t go on holiday. This is because our Earth always needs us, our respect and our work to help it be better, for our future and for the future generations. Our planet is weak, we must always respect and love it; we don’t have to forget that it is our home and even on holidays we must remember that an ecological lifestyle is the best choice, therefore choosing small but greener places for our holidays is the only way to survive.
Let’s think about it carefully: every time we choose a greener place we are helping our world, ourselves and the future generations, we have the possibility to discover unique places that may be unknown to mass tourism, we can see the authentic local traditions, enjoy wonderful landscapes, and meet new people who can give us valuable information about the place we are visiting.
A good way to have green holidays is by discovering small villages, with their most authentic and old traditions. Often, these villages are immersed in nature, allowing us to see some dreamlike landscapes and do everything calmly for a slower holiday, with a human-paced rhythm; we women could also take part in yoga or meditation seminars to cleanse our body and mind from the stress accumulated at work.
Usually, many historic villages are common hotels, and this means that the “ancient village becomes a hotel where houses are residential units, and the village streets are the hallways. This way, staying in a common hotel allows the visitors to integrate completely into the life of that place, discover local habits and lifestyles”.
On holiday people like to move and live in harmony with nature, to discover a slower pace but more suitable to a healthy and calm life. It’s good to discover, by walking or going by bike, unknown places to the most which are actually a real chest of beauty and nature. Small villages to reach and see on foot, by train or by bike to live a truly green experience.
A good way to start our holidays being more in harmony with nature and its paces may be reaching our holiday destination with eco-friendly transports to avoid dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and to be an example to the future generations. The satisfaction of having done something good for our planet and for the others may be a stimulus to learn a new lifestyle, healthier and more attentive to the needs of every creature which lives on our beautiful Earth.
There is also the possibility of doing some jobs in return for a dream holiday, usually in places that have not yet been touched by mass tourism and which are perhaps even more beautiful because of it. Coming into direct contact with the local population will lead you to discover a different world, more real and authentic, that goes beyond the usual attractions set up specifically for tourists.
Choosing eco B&Bs or eco hotels can be a valid alternative because the hosts are truly attentive to the environment and its needs. They offer seasonal foods for breakfast, nature excursions, and much more for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. One thing that will certainly please you to know is that in these establishments there are usually no plastic bottles or single-use samples, which are instead used in almost all hotels.
There are also travel agencies that are mindful of the environment and the impact that travel-related activities can have on it, and they specialize in organizing sustainable trips.
Usually, it's good to follow the same rules on vacation that you follow at home, simple but very useful for helping our planet and ourselves who inhabit it. Avoiding disposable items is the first rule to follow. Then, no plastic, and if you go on mountain excursions, bring a water bottle that can always be washed and refilled.
When we go to lunch or dinner in restaurants, we choose to eat local foods that are healthier and help support the economy of the area we are visiting.
Let's always remember to respect the place we are visiting, so no to modest tourism but yes to tourism that does no harm to the places and the people who inhabit them. Rude tourism is always wrong and good manners never go on holiday.
In conclusion, it takes very little for sustainable holidays, in harmony with nature and its rhythms, you just have to want it.
Mondo Internazionale APS - Riproduzione Riservata ® 2024
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Valeria Fraquelli
Mi chiamo Valeria Fraquelli e sono nata ad Asti il 19 luglio 1986. Ho conseguito la Laurea triennale in Studi Internazionali e la Laurea Magistrale in Scienze del governo e dell’amministrazione presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Ho anche conseguito il Preliminary English Test e un Master sull’imprenditoria giovanile; inoltre ho frequentato con successo vari corsi post laurea.
Mi piace molto ascoltare musica in particolare jazz anni '20, leggere e viaggiare per conoscere posti nuovi ed entrare in contatto con persone di culture diverse; proprio per questo ho visitato Vienna, Berlino, Lisbona, Londra, Malta, Copenhagen, Helsinki, New York e Parigi.
La mia passione più grande è la scrittura; infatti, ho scritto e scrivo tuttora per varie testate online tra cui Mondo Internazionale. Ho anche un mio blog personale che tratta di arte e cultura, viaggi e natura.
La frase che più mi rappresenta è “Volere è potere”.
Ambiente e Sviluppo Health and Wellness Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Fight against climate change
vacanze sostenibili turismo turismo sostenibile viaggi estate