Fabio Naca
Fabio Naca obtains his Bachelor at the University of Turin in the triennial course in “International Sciences of Development and Cooperation”, place in which he also starts to cultivate a profound interest for geopolitical matters. Afterwards, he enrols at the University of Bologna to pursue a Master degree in “International Relations”. In Bologna, he manages to merge the strong inclination for international studies with criminological knowledge and socio-psychological topics, with particular attention being dedicated to terrorism and international security.
On this slipstream is to be considered the 8-months-long Erasmus experience at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm, which allows him to continue researching several disciplines, enabling him to combine social and cultural issues in the broader sphere of security, thus expanding his familiarity to other subjects, such as cybersecurity.
Fundamental in this sense is then his master thesis – that will be discussed in the near future – which brings together themes related to migrations, administrative detention, and securitization processes.
The proficiency in different languages and the curiosity for the great family of social sciences constantly support him in conducing researches and analyses, hence facilitating his interaction with other worlds and cultures simultaneously.
He has been working with Mondo Internazionale since July 2023 and he is currently involved as Senior Policy Analyst and Advisor for the Hub Division.