Marco Rizzi

Marco Rizzi, born in Milan in 2000, achieved in 2022 his Bachelor's degree in "International Relations and Global Affairs" from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, earning a score of 110/110. His final thesis focused on the influential Spitzenkandidaten system within the European Union, reflecting his profound interest in the EU. 

Marco decided to further his education and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in 'European Affairs' at the University of Lund in Sweden.

Currently, he holds the position of Board Member and serves as both Head of Lectures and Chief Recruiter at the Association of Foreign Affairs in Lund. The association actively promotes and facilitates discussions on international issues, offering a valuable platform for informed debates. Additionally, Marco contributes as a Writer to The Perspective, a collaborative media outlet by the UPF Lund, which specializes in foreign policy and global current events.

Fluent in Italian, English, French, and Spanish, Marco's linguistic proficiency enables him to communicate effectively across multiple languages. Beyond his political pursuits, he also harbors a keen interest in cinema and art.

Marco joined Mondo Internazionale in June 2022 and has since made significant contributions, which earned him a recent appointment as Senior Researcher in the Culture and Society section of Mondo Internazionale G.E.O., starting in May 2023.
