Margherita Gobbo

Margherita Gobbo, born in 2000 in Padua, has nurtured a passion for human rights and international affairs since adolescence. Her involvement with CISV, an international youth organization for multicultural education, deeply shaped such interest, leading her to travel to various parts of the world, including Sweden, Brazil, Argentina, and Spain and to choose to study abroad.
At the age of 18, she moved to the Netherlands, earning a Bachelor's degree in European Studies from Maastricht University, followed by a Master's degree in European Studies on Society, Technology, and Science, specializing in Science and Public Policy. During her academic journey, while consolidating her interest in European affairs, Margherita developed a passion for research and writing. This led her to participate in the university's Excellence Research Program (MaRBLe) during her undergraduate thesis, where she explored issues related to civil rights and transitional justice mechanisms.
After her studies, drawn by the vibrant cultural scene, she moved to Berlin, where she currently studies German and volunteers at an Educational Center against Gender-based Violence for Women Refugees, in line with her commitment to social issues and gender equality.

Her interest in social dynamics and her passion for research have led her to serve as a Senior Researcher in the "Culture & Society" division of GEO in Mondo Internazionale.
