Sharon Giacomelli

Sharon Giacomelli earned her bachelor’s degree in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. During these three years, she developed a keen interest in languages, in particular English and Russian, as well as international relations and geopolitics.

Then, she continued her academic journey at the University of Bologne, where she graduated in International and Diplomatic Relations. Here, she went deeper into studying international relations in some geographical areas, including the United States and the Middle East. She discussed her thesis dealing with climate migration and the role of remittances in developing the adaptive capacity of people affected by the effects of climate change.

In 2023, she won the America Youth Prize from Fondazione Italia USA, which also granted her a scholarship for the Master’s program in Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy.
Her primary interests revolve around migration, geopolitics, and security.

Within Mondo Internazionale G.E.O., she is a Junior Researcher in the Politica area.
